Chapter 3

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Hey everyone thanks for voting, as people chose to do this after part 5 also Narancia is 16 in this story.

"so I guess you're going home aren't you?" Giorno said as he looked at Izuku "yea, besides you finally did it you became the boss also this business isn't my type of thing" Izuku said as Giorno smiled "well I have to say it was a nice experience...other than some other things" Giorno said "yea" Izuku said. It's been 2 weeks since Diavolo's death and it did take a toll on the group Bruno and Abbacchio were killed but Narancia was saved due to Izuku's quick thinking. "Izuku" they turned to see Narancia "can I come with you?" he asked as Izuku was shocked "w-what why?" he asked as Narancia looked outside "I need to go back to school and I don't trust the system here so I was wondering if I could go with you?" he asked "Narancia i'm not going to school, you know that but you can go if you want" Izuku said "I think its a good idea since Japan is a lovely place or so that what i've heard from Jotaro" Giorno said as Izuku smiled "ok lets go Narancia also wheres Mista and Trish?" Izuku asked "they're still asleep from last night" Giorno said "ok"

Get your head out of the gutter, perv

"oh before you go take this" Giorno said as he gave Izuku the requiem arrow "wait why me?" Izuku asked "incase you need it ok" Giorno said as Izuku nodded. Izuku and Narancia waved goodbye as they walked to the airport "hey Izuku what did you want to be before you ran?" Narancia asked "I wanted to be a hero but I was quirkless and well you know" Izuku looked up, looking at the sky "i'm going to miss this place" Izuku said "yea me too" Narancia replied as they arrived at the airport.


they turned to see Izuku's girlfriend

"hey Jolyne" Izuku said as she jumped onto him "woah woah calm down you act like I nearly died" he said "Izuku we did nearly die" Narancia said, Jolyne looked at Izuku, Izuku just sighed "she didn't know"

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"hey Jolyne" Izuku said as she jumped onto him "woah woah calm down you act like I nearly died" he said "Izuku we did nearly die" Narancia said, Jolyne looked at Izuku, Izuku just sighed "she didn't know"


"yep I deserve that" Izuku said as she hugged him "YOU SAID EVERYTHING WAS FINE" she yelled "it was....for the most part" Izuku said as she glared "ok ok we just killed the boss and now Giorno took over and is using it for good so please let go" Izuku said as she sighed. She let go and looked at Narancia "so I guess he accepted" Jolyne said "yea" Narancia replied Izuku was confused but couldn't say anything "Yare Yare, come on lets go" they turned to see Jotaro

 She let go and looked at Narancia "so I guess he accepted" Jolyne said "yea" Narancia replied Izuku was confused but couldn't say anything "Yare Yare, come on lets go" they turned to see Jotaro

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