Chapter 4

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"oh Jotaro...this is weird you never call" Josuke said as Jotaro sighed "if you've seen the news you would know why" Jotaro replied "oh you mean Pucci, yea i've seen it but I heard you left Japan so I didn't call...wait are you back?" he asked "yes can you come now so we can decide also I think you should meet Izuku" Jotaro said as Josuke sighed "yea ok i'm on my way know...but don't blame me if theres people on the floor this city hates my hair" he said as Jotaro smirked "ok see you soon" he hung up as he walked to see Jolyne and Izuku talking while Narancia fell asleep on the sofa. Jotaro walked up to them "I have someone on their way here so I want you-" "yes we know be on our best behaviour" Jolyne interrupted "no I was going to say make sure Izuku doesn't make fun of his hair" Jolyne smiled "YES UNCLE JOSUKE IS ON HIS WAY" she yelled as Narancia woke up "ah long was I asleep?" he asked "7 minutes or something like that" Izuku said as Narancia nodded. Izuku decided to look at his phone to see a missed call and decided to call back

"hello?" Izuku said "hey Izuku hows Japan" he heard Mista's voice as he smiled "oh Mista its good, hows Giorno and Trish" "wow Izuku i'm hurt you didn't even ask how I am" Mista said sarcastically "wait how did you get a phone?" Izuku asked "oh Giorno got it for me" "what brand?" "oh Sampple fo-..." Mista stopped "um Mista are you ok"



Izuku just looked at the phone as he face palmed "now I get it" he said getting up. Izuku walked to his room waiting for Josuke.


Izuku was looking out the window when he heard the door bell 

*Ding dong*

Izuku walked downstairs to see Josuke

"hey Jotaro, Jolyne" Josuke said as Jolyne hugged him "hey uncle Josuke, hows life" she asked "its good now I heard you have a boyfriend" Josuke said teasing her "DAD I THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T TELL HIM" Jolyne yelled "

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"hey Jotaro, Jolyne" Josuke said as Jolyne hugged him "hey uncle Josuke, hows life" she asked "its good now I heard you have a boyfriend" Josuke said teasing her "DAD I THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T TELL HIM" Jolyne yelled "...WAIT WHAT I WAS KIDDING" Josuke said as Jolyne blushed "um hi" they all turned to see Izuku "wait aren't you All Mights kid...oh now I get it, the names Josuke Higashikata" Josuke said as Izuku walked to him "nice hair" Izuku said as Josuke smiled "Jolyne you chose well" "STOOOOOOOOP" she said blushing as Izuku chuckled "calm down Jolyne he was going to find out anyways" Izuku said "but he doesn't need to be like this" she said as Narancia walked up "" he said "Izuku is this your twin you sound the same" Josuke said "WE DO NOT SOUND THE SAME" the yelled as Josuke laughed "ok ok I get it calm down" he said as they sighed "so lets get to the actual reason, Jotaro if you would please explain" Josuke said as they all looked at Jotaro. 

They followed him to the main table as he looked at everyone "I have gotten information from the Speedwagon foundation about Pucci and his stand according to them is called soul manipulation as he can take someones memory and stand in the form of a cd" Jotaro said as Izuku was thinking "should we call Giorno since he is Dio's son" Izuku asked as Jotaro shook his head "no he wouldn't have time since he is now the boss, didn't he give you something though?" Jotaro asked "oh yea the requiem arrow...look i'll only use it if its an emergency because 1 I could die and 2 I can't have this on me 24/7 because stand users attract other stand users" Izuku said as Josuke decided to speak up "sooooo why did you need me again?" he asked "oh the author needed another Jojo in the story"

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