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-Cosmicclaws Have the power of controlling others by controlling scents in the air. This works better when flowers are nearby. Though this power sounds powerful, it only works when a cat is very hurt. The chest plate on them can harden and soften into fur on command. Cosmicclaws are one of the largest cats in Felidine and can easily smother a cat to death. They can also control how fast they fall. They can breathe in outer space and hold their breath to 6 hours.

-Doeclaws are the tallest cats in Felidine and can back kick a cat into oblivion. Their antlers can be any shape or size and their antlers are their strongest weapon and razor sharp. If they wanted to stab a cat with their antler they could- in self defense, of course. Doeclaws practice magic so it's obviously one of their powers. You still have to learn it though but it comes more easily to Doeclaws. They are one of the only cats who still practice paw-to-paw combat as self defense because their strong legs let them have a bigger advantage. They can see scent trails with their eyes.

-Shadeclaws have luminescent eyes and noses. These cats are mostly nocturnal but can and function normally in the day. Shadeclaw tongues are long, blue with a small glow. Their tongues have acid on them that even if a drop of it touches a cat it will burn through their skin to the bone. They can blend into swamp environments and see in the dark. Their body allows them to twist and turn their bones so they can fit into any nook or cranny. Their yellow tinted, blocky teeth are meant to rip herbs out of the ground. These cats practice black magic with the cursed dark herbs in their swamp kingdom.

-Tenshiclaws have eight powerful wings. They can flap them in mid air and make a cat fly away for miles. Tenshiclaws can walk on clouds and blend into clouds. Due to them living in a high altitude they have adapted to breathing little air. They can fly at any wind speed for any amount of time. If they tried hard enough they could fly to the celestial empire of the stars. These cats can also blast a beaming light from their mouth to stun enemies, but this is very hard to do because Tenshiclaws need to unhinge their jaw and it can be very painful unless practiced. Their teeth are also as hard as diamond.

-Frostclaws basically live in a freezer. They can survive deadly freezing temperatures and blend into snow. They can hinge and unhinge razors on their claws they use for ice skating or attacking. Their sharp ice like fur can harden and be able to cut into things or be used as armor. Their snowflake-like eyes give them the ability to see in snow storms/blizzards. Frostclaws are also able to withstand hail. If a Frostclaw is touching water they have the ability to freeze it on command or by accident. Lots of Frostclaws have gotten stuck under ice due to them not being able to command their freezing ability

-Obsidianclaws basically don't have internal organs. Their heart is the center of their living and is a heart shaped pool of lava in their chest that has lava going through their entire body acting as blood. Their stomach is a pool of lava and they have cracks and crevices that act as veins in their entire body. Obsidianclaws can spit lava and travel through rock walls. They can harden their fur/rock formations on their body to defend themselves. Their claws are always made up of the finest and toughest gem. Most are very skilled in digging holes and tunnels but have no idea why.

-Rattleclaws are the fiercest breed in Felidine. They have split tongues like snakes. Some have abnormally large canine teeth but it's not uncommon. Rattleclaws have venom on the tip of their tail and in their teeth. On command it can be realised but if you are not trained in commanding your venom you might accidentally kill your friend with a play bite. Their scales on their arms and legs act like armor so if a cat tried to hurt them on their scales it wouldn't be very effective. The only treatment for their venom is Verosula. Rattleclaws can blend into sand and jump very high. They can withstand deadly hot temperatures that no other cat would survive.

-Heatclaws can withstand any heat. They can also survive in lava and walk on it. Fire is also an exception for this breed. Their spikes on their legs can harden, like a lot of cats, and can be used to defend themselves. Heatclaws radiant and beautiful, big tails can be used to knock others over. And they use their tails to fight with each other or slam them into next week. Heatclaws can fly but only for an hour unless trained professionally they can do it for two hours. Most Heatclaws choose to use a boat to get to the mainland of Felidine. Heatclaws can heat up their scales to a burning degree

-Holoclaws can reattach and detach their limbs due to their appearance. They have no mouth, nose, and eyes. But when fighting or eating a mouth appears. Their claws are made up of crystals secret to the Holo Empire. Holoclaws can light up their body to blind others and protect themselves with. Most Holoclaws usually never walk because of their lack of back legs and just float around. These cats are the only breed beside Finclaws that can breath underwater. Holoclaws can levitate off the ground but it's not enough to completely fly. Discolored Holoclaws are more powerful than normal ones but this can be seen as a threat to their own breed. Discolored ones can glitch in and out of tvs, control soundwaves, and have sharper shape corners to cut others with. Holoclaws can travel through electricity or if they are very tired then can hook up a charger to them and they will be good in no time. All Holoclaws can blend into any environment.

-Finclaws can breath underwater. They can also switch how they look. When getting out of the water their aquatic tails turn into cat legs and usually have some characteristics of that tail. EX: Fins on legs, fins on tails, patterns on tails and legs. Finclaws have large tails in and out of water, but their water tails are more effective. Their tails can be used to make giant waves and smack other cats. These cats are also magnificent swimmers, and very fast. Very, very fast. Finclaws can blend into a marine environment. Finclaws have amazing stamina for swimming and can swim at any depth without feeling crushed or bothered. Their patterns on their tails are used to glow in the dark on command. Finclaws have very sharp teeth that can bite through anything

-Commoner cats have no powers. No advantages. They do have better smell, taste, touch, hearing, and eyesight then the other breeds but beside that it's nothing. Most commoner cats are ridiculed for having no powers and made fun of. But they do have a great sense of direction. A lot of commoner cats lead guides through habitats not meant for other breeds.

-Horrorclaws are terrible cats. They can blend into shadows and the dark. Horrorclaws have a terrible way of keeping their identity. They kill other cats and take their identity and looks. They can switch back to their normal looks but they have to make sure not to get caught. After 10 years of having their deguise they need a new one. These cats are hunted and killed. They have no supreme due to them having no kingdom or empire. No safe place. It's because they eat other cats to keep their sanity together or they might go wild. Horrorclaws can eat normal cat food but they prefer others. They have abnormally large claws to kill others and can see in the dark.

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