27: Necessary Grooming

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    "Are you sure about this," she asked, voice muffled through the bathroom door. Damian was tying his tie in front of his full length mirror, as his dark angel perfected her outfit in his bathroom.

    "For the last time, I'm positive that tonight will go wonderfully. Don't worry." He was not as positive as he sounded. Honestly, the odds of something crazy occurring tonight were not only high but guaranteed. Not only was most of his technical family attending, but apparently none of them were aware he was invited, let alone going. He wasn't even sure he was going to go until last night, when Raven agreed to go with him. He procrastinated asking her as much as humanly possible for reasons he hated explaining. Rejection was clearly a fear of his, especially when so few people have accepted him like her.

    Additionally, Raven worked with at least half of his family, and they were also unaware of her attendance. So they were basically crashing a gala secretly filled superheroes who resented him and worked with his secret girlfriend. What could go wrong?

    Was she his girlfriend? They cuddle, have pet names, kiss often, share the same bed nightly. Every night is date night. But girlfriend just seems too simple for what they were. They had all these pent up feelings for each other, created by an unknown magical anomaly. They fit together so naturally its like they've been friends for years. Every secret and story they told the other was somewhat familiar, creating an odd sense of deja vu that neither could explain.

    Brought back to the present by another magic flash of purple from beneath his bathroom door, Damian recalled where they were heading. As private as the gala was, reporters were somehow everywhere. Pictures of the event would be everywhere before it ended.

    So, as his debut back into the Wayne family, he was determined to stunt on everyone, especially his righteous older brothers. His black suit, tailored to fit his form perfectly, had deep green swirls covering the material from head to toe. The color was dark enough to almost blend in but stood out because of its reflective glimmer. His tie was made entirely of the green material, matching the darker shades in his eyes. His black hair was slicked back, a few stray strands falling into his eyes. He lived up to his last name, owning the tall, rich, and handsome look.

    "Beloved, are you almost done? We have to leave soon," he called.

    "Almost done," she called back. Pet names came so naturally to them. Girlfriend and boyfriend just didn't fit them and they both knew that. She was his beloved, sorceress, enchantress, dark angel. She always called him love or babe, but he knew she referred to him as something different in her head. She almost let it slip a few times, but stilled refused to tell Damian what she secretly called him. The bathroom door swung open and said angel ran out in a hurry.

    "We're going to be late if we don't leave right now." she yelled, storming up to him. God she was stunning. Her matching green dress was just as glittering as his tie, contrasting her deep violet eyes and hair dramatically. The thin straps led to a deep v-neckline and tight waist. From their it flared out to her ankles with heaps of sparkling fabric. Two slits in the shirt allowed at least one of her legs to be revealed all the way up to mid thigh at all times. Black stilettos made her long legs look impossibly enticing.

    "Relax, I'm planning on our entrance being fashionably late," he replied casually. "Damn look at you." He stepped towards her, planting his hands firmly on her waist, eying her appreciatively.

    "I don't want your family's first impression of me to be my tardiness." She pouted angrily. It only made her look sexier. The thick winged eyeliner made her eyes look twice as big as she glared at him. Her purple locks weren't pin straight, as per usual. Instead it was curled and mussed thoroughly, to look impossibly natural and sexy.

    "No one shows up on time." He eased concerns quickly, wanting to focus on her striking appearance instead. "Beloved, you are a goddess." he admired, taking her hand and twirling her around slowly. Her anger ebbed away slowly, as he took in her appearance and voiced his approval. "But we do have to go," he added.

    "Lead the way Mr. Wayne," Raven said with teasing formality. Damian held out his elbow for her to take, leading her out of his apartment building and into a sleek black limo. Sitting besides Damian in the back of the limo, Raven nervously played with the many black rings she was wearing. He grabbed her hands and interlaced their fingers, giving her a reassuring squeeze for support.

    "This will be fun," he comforted. Planting a quick kiss on her cheek, he firmly held her hands all the way to the gala.

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