25: Park Tryst

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    Damian left a note telling Raven to meet him in their park at noon. By time he climbed back out the window and returned to his apartment to change, their meeting time was upon him.

    Wearing a white button-up shirt and black business slacks, the Demon walked over to the park. He found her already waiting at the bench, wearing ripped, black skinny jeans and his green shirt he left in her room. He honestly was so flustered after she left that he climbed out the her window and made it back to his apartment without his t-shirt.

She hadn't noticed him approaching and her focus remained on her hands, as she toyed with the hem of his shirt. She was blushing as smiling delicately to herself. Damian hoped she was thinking back on their morning. He smiled warmly in response to the memories and finally reached his angel.

    Raven stood at his arrival and dropped her hands from his shirt. Damian continued gazing at her in his t-shirt, with every ounce of kindness he could summon. She avoided his gaze quickly.

    "Come on," he beckoned, stretching out his hand for her to take. Raven flushed blood red as she still took his hand. He tugged her to match his step and started leading her over to the ice cream stand he passed on his walk over. She seemed lost in thought as they silently strolled together, hands swinging between them. "What's the plan?" he asked.

    "What?" she asked, broken out of whatever daydream she may've been having.

    "I'm assuming you have a plan to how we figure all this out." he explained, using their shared hands to gesture to the space between them.

    "Oh ya, right," Raven affirmed, "I think some sort of magical event took place the night we got our marks. Someone in the justice league probably knows something. I contacted Superman and he said he'd ask around. Now that I think about it, I haven't really checked my email recently. But besides that I honestly don't know what else could've happened." she stated. Damian honestly didn't know if she was telling him or just thinking out loud.

    He hummed along as she continued to explain something about how the league must have some information if a spell this powerful was cast. When she finished, Raven seemed more lost than ever, unsure of how to continue their search for knowledge. Damian squeezed her hand affectionately, till she met his gaze, then smiled kindly at her. Oh how he loved making her blush.

    After ordering a chocolate ice cream for himself and a pistachio ice cream for his beloved, Damian walked her back to the bench. They sat comfortably side by side, close enough that their legs touched.

    "Maybe we should contact other magic-users?" Raven asked aloud.

    "I don't think I'd be a good idea to get other people involved." Damian responded. He'd rather they didn't find away to reverse their situation.

    "Why?" she asked, clearly confused and slightly frustrated.

    "Do you want the entire league to worry about something that isn't necessarily a problem. Plus, having my brother or father find out about us like that would be uncomfortable to say the least." Raven accepted this answer, looking away and shrugging to herself.

    "I just don't know what to do about all this." She whispered. His angel was lost and understandably upset that neither of them knew how they ended up bonded to each other.

    "Hey," he comforted, throwing an arm over her shoulder and tucking her into his side. "Would not knowing be that bad?" he sincerely asked. Damian needed to know if being stuck with him was truly something his beloved sorceress couldn't stand. She stared at him with a calculating gaze, analyzing his expression and trying to understand if he honestly didn't mind their predicament.

    Finally, she shook her head no, allowing a shy smile to grace her features. Damian could fly. His heart was already soaring. He bent his head down to press a soft kiss on her lips. She was basically glowing when they pulled apart. They each returned to their ice creams, but Damian kept his arm fixed over her shoulders.

    "Would your brother finding out be that bad?" she asked eventually, already cringing at the thought.

    Damian thought about it shortly before responding. "Well, he is your team leader. I don't have to see him very often, but you see him daily." He couldn't help but laugh out loud at her reaction. Her face twisted up as if she'd sucked on a lemon slice.

    "What about your dad?" she wondered. Damian's expression fell slightly. He awkwardly shrugged, steadying himself with a deep breath.

    "We haven't really been on the best of terms, but I feel like our whole situation would worry him. He's never been especially fond of magic-users." Raven nodded in understanding, interlocking their empty hands together. "Your parents would be livid probably," his chuckle was humorless.

    "Wait, why?" she quickly asked, spinning around to face him. He really thought she knew about his lifestyle. Crap.

    "I'm, umm," he sighed, "Beloved, I'm not a good guy." Raven didn't waver staring him down expectantly. He knew she was waiting for him to continue but he didn't want to explain why. Why his childhood was literal torture. Why he was ostracized by his family. Why no one has gotten close to his heart.

    "Damian what do you mean?" she asked. But when he didn't respond and opted to turn his head away, Raven had to ask twice. Grabbing his chin, to turn his head towards hers, Raven demanded, "Damian explain what that means now."

    He swallowed the lump in his throat, unprepared for her anger. "You ever heard of the league of assassins?" he asked. She nodded silently. "I am the grandson of the league's old leader. When I left my father's care, I returned to the league and rebuilt it." Raven released his chin, but continued staring at him with determination.

    "So you kill people?" she asked. He slowly nodded, squeezing his eyes shut. He was honestly more scared than he'd ever been in his entire life. Damian didn't know if he could handle the rejection. Raven broke his despair when she gently took his face in her soft hands. He slowly opened his eyes and found hers staring back, not angry but understanding. "Tell me what you meant when you said you rebuilt it." she asked calmly.

    "My grandfather used the league to remain powerful. He allowed others use to his assassins for the right price. But I don't believe in that. If I learned one thing from my father, it's that justice and vengeance are not the same thing. Now I use the league to fight against criminals. We don't kill innocent people anymore. The criminals we hunt after do not deserve breath the same air as their victims." He spoke with conviction and passion. He took pride in what the league has become, no matter what anyone says.

    Raven was quiet for a good while after he finished explaining. Then she just nodded, removing her hands from his face and sitting silently besides him. He didn't know what she was thinking and it was killing him. He didn't even know if he was allowed to touch her anymore.

    Then his angel reached for his hand and held it between both of hers. After kissing the back of it twice, she intertwined their fingers and smiled at him softly. "I respect you," she said, "and I respect what you believe in."

    He could cry in joy. Damian stood suddenly, pulling her up with him. The Demon wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in for the tightest hug he could muster. She gave into the embrace, allowing her own arms to wind around his neck. Her feet lifted off the ground as he leaned back slightly, needing to hold her in his arms. He spun a bit and laughed when she giggled in surprise.

    No one had truly accepted him the way she just did. She didn't let him run away from the truth and liked him anyways when it finally came out. He'd never let his enchantress go.

    When he finally placed her back on the ground, Damian drew Raven in for a searing kiss. She held him to her by his collar and as he held her by her lower back. She stole the breath from his lungs. How did this sorceress somehow become the center of his universe?

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