37: Home

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Damian begrudgingly wakes up after getting the sleep he's been craving all week. He hugs Raven closer, only to end up holding onto air. He sits up quickly, suddenly very awake. The clock on his nightstand read 1:36pm, and Damian practically tumbling out of bed in his haste to find Raven.

"Damian?" Raven calls. She laughing, probably at his extremely ungraceful landing, but Damian didn't care. She looked so beautiful, even with the rather dark circles around her eyes and wearing his rumpled shirt, that was quite a few sizes too big for her frame. "Oh, you're finally awake," Raven rushed into his arms, knocking them both onto his bed. Damian was quick to hold her to him and take her in, now that she was fully awake.

"Have you been up long?" Damian asked, moving so that he could sit up. Raven was straddling his lap and still had her head nuzzled into his neck. She shook her head as best as she could.

"I just got up about an hour ago. I gave making breakfast a shot, but I'm afraid I'm not a very good cook." Damian laughed, almost in shock that he was with her once again. He still couldn't quite grasp the concept that she was real.

"Well, it smells delicious." Raven leaned back and looked at him skeptically. Honestly, Damian couldn't smell anything but her, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's lying. She does smell pretty delicious right now.

And suddenly, the atmosphere of the room shifts. It's as if Raven has finally noticed her position. On his lap.

Damian's heart races as her eyes droop and flick down to his lips. His hands find their place on her lower back and tug her further into him. He's barely able to control himself when she gasps. Her hips are canted against his wonderfully. She blushing furiously, and Damian hopes to god that she can feel just how much she effects him.

Raven surprises him when she closes the distance between them, pressing her full lips against his softly. Damian kisses her gently, until he can no longer control himself. Then, he devours her. His tongue parts her lips and memorizes every curve of her mouth. Raven whimpers quietly and this only encourages Damian.

His hands drift down and land on her round hips. He tentatively begins to move her hips against him, and Raven whimpers at the ministrations. She begins to move on her own, and Damian groans at her enthusiasm. His lapse in focus allows her to take control and move her wonderful lips to his neck. Damian's head falls further back as she kisses down his throat and sucks hard on his collar. He prays she leaves a mark. He wants her claim all over him.

When her teeth clamp down on his shoulder, Damian can't help but respond. He yanks her against him roughly, flipping them over, and falling deeper between Raven's beautiful, supple thighs. They both gasp in surprise, and Raven arches into him agonizingly.

"Damian," she sighs, grasping for the sheets beneath her.

"I know, I know," he sighs, pressing much too light kisses to her throat for how they were currently positioned. "We need to stop." Raven pushes him away from her neck.

"No, that's not what I was going to say," she breaths, propping herself up on her elbows. Now her head was downturned slightly, and her big, purple eyes were looking up at him sexily. Every drop of blood in his body rushed south.

"What were you going to say," he prompted. She blinked at him, suddenly a little unsure of herself.

"What if," she swallowed and looked away slightly. "I don't want to stop?" Her doe eyes returned to his. Damian jolted, and his hips ground against hers forcibly. She made a pained, mewling sound and her head rolled back again.

Damian returned his lips to her shoulder, working his way towards her face. "Oh, god how I want that." He used his right hand to grip the back of her thigh and raise her leg up further. Her hips canted up towards his and he was able to grind against her through her dangerously small sleep shorts.  Then, Damian paused."But are you absolutely sure that this should happen right now?" He pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

"Right now?" She asked, dazed.

"Yes, right now." He laughs. "The morning I get back from Nanda Parbat. What if we're just homesick and not thinking straight?"

"Well, first of all, it's not morning anymore." Raven nods her head towards the alarm clock. "And, second of all, did you just say homesick?"

"Maybe I did." He smiles coyly at her.

"So, are you referring to Gotham or me?"

Damian slowly kisses her again. "Not Gotham, beloved." Raven's eyes glisten a bit as she tugs him onto her.

"Fine." She hugs him close and rolls back on top of hip. "Let's eat breakfast first, and then we can continue this little conversation." She gives him another peck before rolling off their bed and returning back to the kitchen.

"Little?" he calls after her. He revels in her resounding laughter. "Hey, I'm going to take a shower. I'll be out in a minute."

"Okay. Don't get frostbite." She laughs some more and he just shakes his head. She definitely knows what she does to him. His beautiful, dark angel.

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