Friends for Friends

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A school trip to the museum puts Chapa and Miles's friendship to the test.

Most of you have most likely already read this one-shot from my 'DF daydreams book'


Miles's p.o.v

Since Ray was the school counselor he was supposed to be our tour guide for our museum trip today and he was doing one banger of a terrible job. He pointed to a work of art on the wall. "Now, can anyone tell me what this weird.... squiggly, dots or whatever this is thingy is?," He asked my group of students. "That's A Starry Night, by Vincent Van Gogh," Alyssa answered. Ray looked at the painting. "What, pfft," He blew her answer out. But she indeed was right. "Look it says it right here," She pointed to a plaque. Ray got rolled his eyes. "You know what little miss fresh, DETENTION!" He yelled at her.

"But i-," Alyssa tried to defend herself.

"DETENTION I SAID," He demanded.

Yeah, this is so fun. Note the sarcasm. Mika seemed to be the only one actually interested in what was going on although she was practically babysitting Bose to make sure he didn't touch nor break anything. Chapa was right beside me trying to distract herself. "I wanna leave," She told me. "You and me both sister," I replied.

"Okay, now that that's over with, follow me into the..." Ray continued to speak as the group followed him. I took a step to go but i started feeling lightheaded and everything turned to a blur.

Chapa's p.o.v

Miles almost fell over but i was there to keep him steady. Was he okay? "Bro? you good?" I asked trying to hide my concern. Miles blinked really hard a few times and i started to check if he was still with me. He relaxed. "Yeah, i'm fine, it was nothing," Miles insisted. But i knew that was a lie. This whole day it seemed like he was off and fragile. Maybe it was the summer heat i told myself.

"You sure?" I added.

"Yeah," He nodded and took a deep breath.

He shook it off and started walking with the group. I hate to admit i but i was kind of worried for him.... Okay, i was A LOT worried for him. I'm not the type to care but maybe i should keep an eye on him.


We've been here for hours and the most fun thing to happen was Ray accidentally breaking part of a statute and played it off as if a toddler did it. "I'm bored," Bose groaned. Mika sighed. "Well try to enjoy yourself, this is fun!" Mika insisted. Bose started whining again until we stopped at the food court and he saw a churro stand. "I want one!", Bose gaped at it than at Mika. "Fine, let's go get you one but then you have to promise to behave for the rest of the trip?" Mika explained. Bose thought about it, "Then i want two," He childishly pouted. "Deal, let's go," She grabbed his hand in order for him to follow. Bose glowed with excitement.

Miles's p.o.v

I was staring at a painting of the galaxy on the wall and it was so memorizing. The universe was beautiful! I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to see Chapa. Just Chapa. There was no one else in this exhibit, I guess i must have gotten caught up. "I've been looking all over for you," Chapa said. "Oops, my bad," I happily shrugged. I went back to looking at the painting. 

"WOAH, THIS IS ACTUALLY PRETTY COOL!" i heard Chapa say from behind me. She picked up a ball made of stone. Uh oh. "Chapa! put that back! we're not supposed to touch anything," I reminded. "Oh, stop worrying so much," She started to play with it. I shook my head at her. She tossed it around a bit and then went to read the plaque.

"This ball seems to have a lot of history behind it..." She went on.

Out of nowhere, i started to slowly feel myself tremble.

"It's a Chinese artifact..." Chapa had her back turned to me.

I could only hear her words starting to go hazy. I started slightly airing out my shirt and tapping my chest as i caught shortness of breath, was it hot in here?.

"What if i just took this with me..." Chapa slightly laughed.

I started breathing really heavily. No, no, NOT AGAIN, I NEED EVERYTHING TO STOP. My world was spinning.

Am i dying?

"Hey Miles do you think-"

Chapa's p.o.v

I turned around and Miles had his back to the wall. He didn't look too good. He is so not okay. "Hey, buddy..." I put the ball back and slowly approached him. I was now started to shake a little with fear. His breathing started to increase. He slid his back against the wall holding his head. "Make it stop..." He cried. I needed to get help but i couldn't leave him here. I took a deep breath and held his hands as he was now on the floor.

"Miles, talk to me, I'm here," I tried to sound as calm as possible.

He was closing himself in.

"Miles, what's wrong?" I tried to get him to talk to me. I tried my best to calm him down but he kept shaking. I have no idea what's going on but Miles was panting and he seemed to be trembling really bad. I squeezed his hand to let him know that he wasn't alone.

I pulled him into a hug to comfort him as best as possible. "It's okay, I'm here, just breathe, you're fine, you're okay, it's all okay," I said as soft as possible. I held on to him as i kept telling him it was going to be just fine. I had to keep him with me. I really hoped he didn't pick up on how nervous i was. I pulled away from my hug. "Look at me Miles, it's me, Chapa, i need you to just breathe, i need you to relax, I'm here, you're okay," I assured. There was nothing but pure fear in his eyes. I went back to hugging him. I rubbed his shoulder as he nodded and starting to calm down.

Miles's p.o.v

Well, that was embarrassing. It was Lunch time so we were back at the food court. I was sitting in the corner far back trying to avoid everyone. I'm glad Ray, Bose, and Mika decided to sit with just the three of them. I saw Chapa walking back over to me. "Here," She handed me a water bottle. I opened it and chucked it while she took a seat across from me. "Better?" She questioned. "Yes, thank you," I thanked her. She nodded. I could feel her staring at me.

"So you gonna tell me what happened or do i have to guess why you were shaking and panting as if you were hanging on for dear life?" She asked. Best if i tell her. I was A LOT embarrassed she had to see me like that. "Panic Attacks, doesn't happen too often," I admitted. She looked at me in surprise, "DOESNT HAPPEN TO OFTEN?! Has this happened before?!" She worried. I nodded. I didn't want anyone to know. "Who knows about this?" She questioned. "Just you," I confessed. I have never seen Chapa looked so concerned for someone else. We were being a little too loud so we brought it down. Chapa leaned in.

"No, ifs, ands, or buts. You have to tell your parents about this, you need help before it's too late," She ordered. Is she out of her mind? i cant just go tell them! I guess she must have seen right through me.

"You're telling them. Do you want someone else to go through what i just did. I had no idea what was going on Mies. I just had to stay calm to let you know that you were fine," She confessed. She's right, I didn't wanna put her through that.

"Okay, okay i'll tell them," I gave in.

"Good," She concluded.

"Thank you by the way, for what you did back there. I'm not sure if i could have gone through that one without you," I thanked her.

"No thanks needed, no one wants to lose a friend," She responded.

I smiled. There really was more to Chapa than i knew, a more caring side. I just didn't expect her to have that for me.

Chapa's p.o.v

We headed back to the bus without anyone knowing what had happened. I'm so glad that was over with but this is for sure one trip I'll never forget. "I call window seat," Mika rushed to the back. "No fair you had it when we were coming," Bose ran after her. Those two need to take a break from each other. I walked to my seat and Miles was already there.

The bus started moving and must have blacked out from being tired all day and I'm also pretty sure i fell asleep right on Miles.

Chiles's Notebook: One Shot seriesWhere stories live. Discover now