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Ray puts the team on a couples game show that the girls have their hearts set on winning against each other. But when long overdue feelings start to bubble up between Team Bomika and Chiles things start to intersperse.

Mika's p.o.v

"We're not doing it," I tried to disclose and went back to writing my assignment. The rest of the team watched Ray standing in front of the class trying to convince them. Ray wanted us to participate in this game show he was asked to host. Apparently, he was supposed to be a 'special guest' because he had gained the reputation that Ray Manchester was a 'Fighter Pilot,'.

"Why do we have to cover up your lie," Chapa leaned back and rested her legs on her desk.

"IT WASNT A LIE!" Ray protested, "it was just something that I said that wasn't true,".

"I'd do it, sir," Bose happily agreed. "And that's why you're my 2nd favorite," Ray winked at him.

"I thought Chapa was your 2nd favorite," Miles said adjusting himself in his chair. "Does it matter?" Ray brushed him off. I put my pencil down, "What's it about anyway?" Miles questioned. "It's called 'elimiDATE, the game show test couples to see how well they know each other," Ray explained. Then his plan still doesn't make sense, "But none of us are a couple?" I reminded him. Chapa and Miles dramatically started coughing,

"Lies," Miles said through a cough.

"Sure," Chapa did the same.

I couldn't see Bose but I could still feel his stare and I blushed intensely. Well, Bose and I weren't an official couple but there was something definitely there...i guess...i don't know. I could have said somthing in that moment at the two but I chose not to. As if i didn't notice the looks they gave each other or how they would secretly hold pinkies when they thought no one was watching. I was, i was always watching. They strongly denied any feelings for each other every time any of us would bring it up and dramatically exit the room. However, it did pay off whenever we needed them to stop bugging us.

"Like i said, does it matter?" Ray childishly smacked the podium, "And besides, lying is a very important part of being a superhero. Think of this as training,".

Chapa's p.o.v

A couples game show? What a waste, I could use that time to do something productive like throw rocks at the kids who attended the neighboring school. But since they got a restraining order against me, i was unfortunately available. I could use this to my advantage maybe."What's in it for us?" I slightly hissed. I couldn't help it, I'm naturally vicious."Yeah, what does the winner get?" Miles continued. "Glad you asked," Ray beamed, "The winner gets-"

"A puppy basket!" Bose interrupted.

"Um...no," Ray responded. Bose pouted. "The winner gets-"

"A lifetime supply of gummy worms!" Bose cut him off again.

"NO!" Ray fisted his hands.

"A cookie maker! Vacuum cleaner! a horseback ri-"

"THE WINNERS GETS TWO TICKETS TO COURT AND COURTNEY GEEZ," Ray said before he finished his absurd guesses.

We gasped over the top. That was like winning the lottery for us. "Not only that but they'll play you almond milk...the extended version," Ray continued.

"I'M IN," Miles announced.

"Me too," i said after.

"Me three," Mika joined in.

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