Miles's Homescreen

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Chapa entered the man's nest in hopes of finding Schwoz to refill her gum pack but she didn't see anyone. However, she did see a phone on the table. She titled her head confused as to who had left their phone. She walked over to pick it and saw that it was Miles's. She pressed the power button and an idea popped into her head. Why not jokingly change his home screen just for the fun of it. She pressed her finger on the home button and waited for it to unlock. She had her fingerprint put in when Miles had lost a bet that he could become more popular on Howdy than her in 3 days.

He cursed himself for ever thinking he could out Howdy her, she was like a machine. Anyways when Chapa unlocked the phone ready to go to setting to change his wallpaper she stopped when she saw what his current home screen had been. She rolls her eyes all while trying to stop a smile from appearing on her lips. 

It was a picture of Chapa sound asleep on his shoulder with the cheek she was leaning on squished. Of course that would be his home screen. She shook her head still smiling and turned the phone off. Maybe just this once she didn't have to change it. 

She put the phone in her back pocket, left the man's fest to find him and return his phone. She needed an excuse to see him anyways during spring break since there hadn't been much crime.

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