We Feel Nothing

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Chapa and Mika try to convince Miles that 'A kiss' doesn't always mean anything.


"Miles for the last time, it was by accident," Mika held her head annoyed. "She and I could be soulmates!" Miles insisted. "But your not," Mika pleaded with him. Mika had to sit on the man's nest couch and listen to Miles go on a rant for 2 hours straight. For the record, they were indeed not soulmates. Mika and Miles were leaving the movie theaters after watching the series spin-off of "Walking Orange' when Miles had bumped into this girl.

Her glasses fell off her face so Miles bend down on the floor along with her to help her picked them back up, as they were getting up she leaned in a little too close and her lips landed on his in a panic to get back up. She had apologized claiming that she was practically blind without her glasses and didn't see him. Miles stood frozen gaping at her. She looked at him concerned but Miles was still awe-struck. Mika had to drag him away before he could make any more a fool out of himself. "No Mika, you didn't feel it. There was a connection between us" He went on.

"If i say yes, can I go?" Mika begged. Just then Chapa came from the revolving doors playing with a little tennis ball. "Hey," She nodded making her way over to them. "Hey," Mika sighed, trying to think of a way to get out of this. Chapa went behind the couch and leaned on the top half right next to Miles. "What are you guys talking about?" She asked. Chapa was glad to see them because frankly she was bored out of her mind these last couple of hours. "Miles here insists that the girl he kissed; by accident, at movie theaters, is his soulmate," Mika informed. "Because she is!" He dramatically threw his hands up.

Chapa nearly laughed at his circumstances, that was one of the most naive things she's ever heard. "Dude just because you share a small kiss with someone doesn't mean they're the love of your life, get over it," She advised tugging on one of his locks. Miles flinched back and shook his head. "Thank you!" Mika praised. Miles never listen to her but if anyone could have gotten through to him it would have been Chapa. "I'm telling you, there was something there. No one can accidentally fake that kind of heat!" Miles expressed. Chapa playfully rolled her eyes at his innocence. He needed an example as to why a kiss doesn't always have to mean something.

"You guys can tell me a million times that our kiss didn't mean anything but I know what i-", Miles was saying until Chapa leaned over the couch, tilted her head, took a hold of Miles's collar, and shut him up with a kiss. Mika couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her mouth opened wide but then closed back up because she was indeed speechless. Miles was in a state of shock so as Chapa kept her lips on his he didn't know what to do but just let it happen. The passionate embrace lasted longer than it should have honestly and that's what ticked Chapa off when she released herself from him.

They made eye contact while Chapa still gripped his shirt and neither could look away. Chapa didn't know what to say. What she was feeling was totally unplanned and she didn't know how to go on from there. Miles himself was speechless and had no idea what would happen next. Chapa felt herself get flustered and she let go of the collar immediately when she noticed she was still holding on. "See?" She swallowed a lump in her throat. "We feel nothing," She said in a heavy breath. Their faces were still inches apart. "Ye-um..yeah," He stammered feeling his face start to heat up.

"Well bye then!" She jumped back when she realized what was happening.

"See ya!" Miles clumsily leaped out of his seat walking over the couch.

Chapa ran back through to the revolving door and Miles quickly went down the tube. Mika tried to process what exactly had just happened. But on the bright side, Miles had stopped talking.

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