Earth to Bose- Alternative Ending

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"A universe without a Bose is a universe I want no part of,  goodbye Bosey," Bose listened to Glerp's farewell message for the 3rd time. He sat outside on the steps of the man's nest back to his young self, all alone. It was nearly 10 pm so everyone had already left but he was too bummed out about Glerp leaving to even care about getting home on time. Bose couldn't believe the one time he found someone that liked him they had to go back to their own planet or else it would of been the cause of his death. Bose sighed staring at his phone and a teary-eyed Glerp. 

Unexpectedly he heard a door close from behind him and he turned around to see Mika locking the doors. She turned around and was surprised to see Bose still there, she had thought he went home after the treadmill. Bose also didn't think anyone else was left but him. "Hey, what are you still doing here?" Mika asked walking toward him. "Nothing really, you know...just thinking about someone," Bose lazily waved his phone around. Mika didn't like seeing him so upset, Bose wasn't meant to be sad, it just wasn't something that happened. 

Mika started to sit down next to him and wrapped her arms around her legs, "I'm really sorry about Glerp, Bose, I know you 2 really liked each other," Mika sympathetically said. "It's cool, I'm sure I'm not the only one who's ever lost their alien girlfriend," Bose assured. Mika looked at him confused, she was about to that yes in fact he was the only one but decided not to when she saw him looking up into the night sky at the twinkling stars that cover that specific side of the earth like a blanket. "You know after today it's gonna be pretty hard to think my soulmate could be on earth when probably thousands of galaxies exist like Xenolapamde?" Bose went on. "I'm gonna name my kid that one day," He added. "No," Mika immediately shut that idea down.

"Who knows how long it'll be until I find someone who likes me again," Bose questioned and this time Mika could hear the sorrow in his voice. She wanted to comfort him but what do you say to someone who was just broken up with by a supposedly mythical creature? Mika also didn't understand why Bose didn't think people liked him. Who wouldn't like Bose, he was practically a real-life angel! Mika moved in closer to him, "I like you," She playfully bumped her shoulder into his. Bose lightheartedly laughed at the gesture. "Yeah, but as a friend," He mused and looked down playing with fingernails. 

When Bose said that Mika's smile slowly started to fade from her round face. As a friend...Mika felt something click. She looked away facing forward in deep thought. For some reason hearing him refer to it as that made her start to question what the others were going on about earlier, saying she was in love with him and that she was jealous of Bose and Glerp's relationship.

At first, she wasn't. She was just trying to look out for Bose but then she started to remember the way Bose acted and talked to her back at hip-pop puree and it was making her stomach queasy. She didn't how it happened but she no longer cared about knowing more about Glerp but was becoming determined to get her back to her own planet and away from Bose. So maybe they were right, she had been jealous but she also didn't want Bose to die.

"You think Glerp misses me?" Bose asked snapping Mika back to reality. She turned her attention back to him and noticed how his eyes catch the light. "I do," She answered. Mika bit her lower lip nervously as she moved her arm under his and intertwined their finger slowly. Bose looked away from the sky, looked down at him and Mika's intertwined hands. "But not as much as I would have if she had stayed," Mika admitted. 

Her touch made him feel warm and peaceful. As he looked at her, really looked at her, he noticed that she was still slightly chewing her lower lip and the genuine smile she gave him was enough to assure that he would find someone and even if he didn't, it'd be okay because Mika was going to stick around. He gave her smaller hand a little squeeze and softly rubbed her thumb with his, returning the same gesture.

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