Twenty five

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Sorry for being a Debbie-don't-upload for so long! I've been working these next few chapters out for the last few days and finally decided that one was decent enough to publish! Hope my judgement was correct! 

Danke für das Lesen meiner Lieben!



‘Nora, wake up.’

I rolled over, groaning slightly and waving my hand at my dad’s whispering voice in an attempt to make him go away.

‘Nora, wake up.’

My mother’s voice this time, but I gave the same reaction, not ready to pull myself from sleep just yet.

It took only a moment before I realized what I’d just heard and I rolled over to look in the faces of my mom and dad. In a second they were gone and I threw the covers aside to search for them, my feet hitting the cold marble floor without the slightest flinch. I moved out the door, rushing through the halls and searching for them again when their voices were right behind me.

I flipped around, hearing the screams for my name rather than the soft whispers and I hurtled myself down the staircase as quickly as my feet would take me.

I found them in the kitchen, but their figures were distorted, like they were melting away, and as quickly as I laid eyes on them, they were engulfed in flames.

The fire surrounded them, creating a barrier of which I could not break through. I tried to freeze, but the flames grew larger and as I looked for someone to help me, someone to put out the fire, their screams grew louder and a pair of glowing green eyes met mine on the other side of them.

I felt the flames melting away and I was somewhere else completely when the blinding light of the fire subsided. It was the field from the night of the dance, the place I’d first fought before I was taken. Everyone was fighting around us and my eyes scoured the field for Sam, but when I found him, he stood behind Lucas at the edge of the clearing.

My eyes met his and they were cold, lifeless almost. The teal color I was so accustomed to having taken on a greyish hue and it seemed like he was looking past me rather than at me.

When I flipped around to see where he was looking, my eyes landed on Damon, gazing at me with soft, eyes and a timid smile. When I looked down I found that his hand was wrapped around mine. I looked back to Sam, ready to explain, wanting to say something, but he was gone and Lucas appeared just feet in front of me.

Without much thought behind the action, I found myself reaching out, my fingers wrapping around his forearm and my eyes sliding shut.

And then I was seeing Zanthe, a baby in her arms with thick dark curls and wide green eyes. She looked up at me and smiled, holding the child out for me to take and I could see arms reaching that weren’t my own and I was cradling a baby against a chest that didn’t belong to me.

‘Hello, Alexandra,’ I said, but the voice belonged to Lucas. It was softer than I’d ever heard him speak, all of the cunning and thick charm replaced with love. The baby’s hand coiled around my finger and I felt myself fill up with joy and love and I could feel a wide smile tugging at the sides of my lips.

‘Can you imagine any child being more perfect?’ Zanthe asked and when I looked up, she was looking at me with so much love in her eyes than I even realized possible.

‘I can’t imagine a more perfect pair of women in my life,’ Lucas’s voice said, looking back down at the baby in his arms. ‘Daddy loves you, Alexandra. I’ll do anything to keep you safe.’

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