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Because I've been such a shit about uploading, this is a very special, very fluffy chapter! I'm going to try to finish this soon, there are probably only five or so more chapters to go anyhow. 

Hope you like! :) 



“What do you mean they’ve gone, Lucas? Where have they gone? Where would she have taken her?”

“This doesn’t concern you, Samuel.”

“Like hell it doesn’t. What are you planning?”

“I have to get her back, she belongs with me!”

Lucas paced back and forth across the floor of his office, stopping only every few moments to pound his fist against the wall or throw something from his desk. His eyebrows were furrowed and his jaw a hard line as his feet moved quickly around the room.

I knew Lucas well enough to understand this look. He was plotting. I knew as soon as an idea jumped into his head, something that would get him his way no matter the cost, he would act on it.

I had to think of a way to get him to think this through, but I couldn’t tell him not to go after them. How would that look?

“Lucas, think clearly about this,” I tried to reason, moving a step closer to him. “We don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

“Why are you still here?” he shouted, stopping his pacing to grab hold of my shoulders.

Once he had a firm grip on me, he forced me to look at him. I could tell by the look in his harsh green eyes that he was going to attempt to compel me.

“Tell me why you think that my daughter is any of your business,” he demanded, acid dripping from his voice.

I could feel him in my head and no matter how hard I tried to push him out, over the years I’d spent with him, Lucas had gotten good at working around the boundaries I’d built up.

The words left my mouth without my permission.

“Because I’ve been matched to her.”

As soon as I said the words, I was sprinting from the room. His mind was reeling at my admission, the betrayal he felt ripping through my head and I knew he would kill me without a second thought.

I ran from the house, navigating the dirt roads for miles before I reached the center of town. I knew where I wanted to go, but they wouldn’t have me.

Thomas would set me on fire if I went anywhere near the demi’s home because none of them knew, they couldn’t know. This was the way Cyril said it had to be and he was gone now.

I had no one.


At the sound of my name, my feet picked up speed once again, but as I began to retreat recognition set in and I found myself flipping around so quickly that I nearly knocked Cyril to the ground.

I’d never been so happy to see anyone in my entire existence.

“He knows about Alexandra, he compelled me. I didn’t have a choice—”

“I know everything, Samuel, but we don’t have much time.”

“Are they coming?” I whispered, searching for any sign of Lucas or the others, but the town was practically destitute apart from Cyril and I.

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