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Beomgyu purposely went in front of the car, not caring if the driver will run over him. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE CAR!" He angrily hits his fists on the car, demanding the driver to come out.

The familiar man went out of the car with a troubled expression.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE, KANG TAEHYUN?!" Beomgyu yelled, gripping hard his clenching fists on Taehyun's collar.

Taehyun was too surprised from knowing Beomgyu is many years. It is Taehyun's first time to see Beomgyu this mad. He knows that he had ticked the bomb because of what he did. Beomgyu is a patient person who rarely uses his fist to express his anger.

"I never expected that you're going to do something horrible! You're turning into a monster like your lunatic brother who made Yeonjun's life miserable!" Beomgyu is still not letting go of him, shaking him real hard in anger.

Taehyun was shocked when Beomgyu's strong hands wrapped around his neck. Beomgyu slams Taehyun's body on the hood of the car, strangling him hard. The blonde realizes that anger completely takes over into Beomgyu's mind.

"Isn't it enough that your brother ruined innocent lives? He is a goddamn traitor! He is responsible for Kai's accident and the death of his elder sister!" Hatred is visible in Beomgyu's eyes upon thinking about the sins of Taemin. Beomgyu is too angry as he loses control of his thoughts. He is indirectly blaming Taehyun for the sins of his brother.

"He fucking killed Yeonjun, and now you are following his footsteps!" Beomgyu gritted his teeth. His fists are shaking from too much anger. He yelled using his full voice that made Taehyun feel afraid.

Taehyun finds it hard to breathe, and tears are tickling his eyes. One of the fears that he never wanted to happen comes true, to be hated by Beomgyu. It feels like hearing offensive words from the person he loves is like a bullet that struck straight through his heart.

Before Taehyun could pass out, it seems like Beomgyu can contain his anger. His eyes widen, showing an expression of guilt. He lets go of Taehyun, who is coughing so bad.

"Are you showing your true colors now, Taehyun?" both men looked at the one who spoke in a flat tone.

Yeonjun is walking towards them, and blood is dripping on his face. His whole body is full of blood, yet there are no traces of any pain on his expression.

Taehyun felt creeped out by Yeonjun's intense stare as if it could pierce his skull. "W-what are y-you? Y-you should have d-died from that!" He stuttered, and he feels paralyzed from looking at Yeonjun. "You're a devil!" He accuses.

"I did my best to understand you, Taehyun. I know that I did something wrong to you, but I never expected that you are also capable of killing others. I can't find the Taehyun that I met before, the Taehyun who became my reliable friend!" Beomgyu is still mad, and it hurts him to say all of those. He can't take it anymore.

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