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A man on the window saw Beomgyu's hand, holding on to the person he hates the most. His jaw clenched, jealousy and hatred are growing inside him. Taehyun's hands are turning pale from tightly holding his pants. Plenty of thoughts are running on his mind, and he badly wanted Yeonjun to disappear.

Later on, Yeonjun saw him standing outside. His blood boiled when he saw Yeonjun leans closer to kiss Beomgyu's forehead, who is still sleeping. Yeonjun intertwined his hand to Beomgyu's to show it to Taehyun, whose face turned into a scowl.

Taehyun's expression made Yeonjun smirk. He purposely did it to make Taehyun realize that Beomgyu belongs to him. Yeonjun keeps on staring at the blondie until he walks away, feeling angry. He badly wanted to wipe the smirk on Yeonjun's face.

Taehyun decided to go back to his house to vent his anger there, alone. He knows that he will be scolded by his parents when he goes to the bar again. He drove himself, over speeding while repeatedly pressing the car's horn in annoyance. It is a relief that he arrives at his house safely.

He slams the car door, making his way inside the silent mansion. He went to his room, throwing away every object that he can touch on his side table. "You spawn of a devil! Go to hell!" Taehyun yelled.

"What an unpleasant sight of a barking dog!" A female voice echoed in the room, the intimidating woman who is standing on the door.

He thought he was alone in the mansion, and his eyes widen when he saw his wicked mother.

"I never thought that you could be a trouble maker, and the heir of the company isn't supposed to act like a stupid puppy. Maybe you will never be a headache to us if your excellent brother is still alive. I regret not training you harder to be a top dog." Mrs. Kang stands with a sophisticated poise, and her dark red lipstick makes her more intimidating. Her voice is so calm, but her words can easily pierce into her son's head.

"Did you just come home to say something ridiculous? You have not yet seen me at my best, Madam." Taehyun said in a mocking tone. He never experienced the care and affection that he needed from his wealthy, business-minded parents.

"Your father and I are kind enough not to disown you for being gay. Did you learn how to disrespect me from that gay piece of shit? You made me more disgusted from liking your cheap, gay friend who doesn't even give a damn about you. You should learn how to take down an enemy with a strategy, just like your brother. Look at Taemin! He left a legacy in everything because he is smart enough to eliminate his enemies." She proudly said, raising her left eyebrow with her chin-up.

"Do not intervene with my personal life! I'm so tired of being compared to a dead person! My brother never treated me like shit, so he's different from you. Anyway, did you happen to know Choi Yeon-"

"You're not allowed to ask a question, young man! You better fix your manners, or else we will make a move to eliminate everyone who made you turn into a loser!" She pointed the tip of her fountain pen to his son.

Taehyun knows what his parents are capable of, and he only views his older brother as an innocent one. "You better leave," He muttered.

His mother flashes a fake smile. "You know that I'm always watching you." Then, she left.

Taehyun's sexuality and feelings for Beomgyu are against the will of his parents. His parents are colder to him when he confessed his real identity. He feels mad and suffocated because of his cruel parents. It's like they never granted him the freedom and love that he needed. Beomgyu doesn't love him the same way that he did, and it drives him insane.

Tears flow down on his face as he throws a lamp on the mirror, causing it to shatter. "Fuck this life!"

For him, his late brother and Beomgyu are his last hope, but they are all taken away by Yeonjun. He is blaming Yeonjun for missing the chance to experience the love that he needed. His anger grows like an uncontrolled wildfire.


With the help of his friends, he survived the whole day. Beomgyu can't help but feel afraid of Kai, and he feels sad that the young boy he treated as a friend could kill him anytime. Yeonjun decided to stay on his side all the time after doing his missions. He often sleeps at Beomgyu's house, and both of them feel inseparable now.

After years of living alone, Beomgyu never wanted to live alone again, after realizing how happy it is to have someone special in his house.

In the whole week, Beomgyu is doing his best to have some peace of mind in school. He's ignoring invalid rumors, and he is used to seeing whispering students when he's with Yeonjun.

He never had the chance to talk to his friend after that incident on the rooftop. Taehyun chooses to ignore the raven-haired when they see each other around the school. No one initiated to talk, and Beomgyu can't help but develop some trust issues with his friend.

He doesn't care about his status and reputation, so doing what he wanted is not a problem for him. When Yeonjun is in school, he is sticking around to him all the time. Beomgyu is protective of him, even if he knows that Yeonjun is way stronger than him.

Yeonjun was quite busy on his missions, but he is still making time with his baby bear. Beomgyu is using this chance without Yeonjun to plan about his surprise confession.

"Let's eat dinner together. I will see you later on the BH Street." -cyj.

After a short hangout with Soobin, he immediately went on the said street to see Yeonjun. It is 7 in the afternoon, and he's glad that there are lamp posts since it is located near the highway. He waited a few minutes, and his face brightens up when he already saw Yeonjun on the other side of the road.

Yeonjun is now crossing the road, waving his hand at the smiling boy. Beomgyu is too focused on staring at him, and he didn't notice the rushing car towards Yeonjun.

In the blink of an eye, a speeding car ran over Yeonjun, causing him to be thrown away. The loud sound of the crash and the loud thud of Yeonjun's body on colliding the ground has shaken up Beomgyu.

"YEONJUN!" Beomgyu gasped when he saw how Yeonjun hit the ground like a rag doll.

The cemented road around his body is filled with red, thick liquid. Yeonjun's head bleeds the most, and Beomgyu feels like his heart dropped in fear. Beomgyu almost lost his mind from what he witnessed, thinking if Yeonjun's grim reaper abilities are limited or not.

When Beomgyu saw that the car that hits Yeonjun is familiar, his fear is temporarily replaced by anger. At that moment, Beomgyu wanted to make him pay for hurting Yeonjun. He furiously ran towards the blue car before it could get away.


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