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Notice (again): Feel free to skip if you feel uncomfortable from reading some parts :) The flashback will end in the next chapter :)

Yeonjun never thought of leaving the school to prove to anyone that he's not guilty. Taemin is still alive, recovering from his injuries from that fall. His life becomes hellish as his world turned different from the joy that he felt when he used to be the role model, almost perfect student that students admire.

The bright surrounding that he experiences in the school completely disappeared. His day is greeted with chattering students. Some would still look at him with so much disgust and anger. Then, some students would physically hurt him.

His days won't end without getting some bruise and wound on his body and his heart.

Lea is the only one who believes in him, but she can't do anything to save him. Lea accepted the fact that Yeonjun sees her as a sister and a close friend. She tried to convince Soohyun that he didn't do it and that Yeonjun just confronted Taemin when he found out that Taemin harassed her. Sadly, Soohyun never believes in those, and he also broke his friendship with Lea for defending Yeonjun.

After 2 months, Taemin came back to school. He recovered faster when his parents brought him to the best surgeon abroad. It's a miracle that his parents never came to school to confront Yeonjun. The first thing that he did is to talk to their school principal and school guidance. Taemin decided to ask the school principal to not kick Yeonjun out of the school and that he will not sue Yeonjun for his so-called frustrated murder. Taemin attended the classes as nothing happened.

Everyone hated Yeonjun more, thinking that Taemin is too nice to let him off. Yeonjun is getting tired of living this kind of life, plus his parents are already dead when he was young, so he has nobody who can help him.

While Yeonjun is alone on the rooftop, someone went beside him.

"I'm sorry Yeonjun, you don't deserve everyone's treatment of you. M-maybe if I never said anything to you that resulted in that confrontation, maybe your life is still at peace. I can't believe that Taemin is a horrible person who can turn the situation in favor of him." Lea is blaming herself for everything.

Yeonjun carefully caressed Lea's back when he saw that she is crying. "You're the victim here, so you did nothing wrong, Lea. I'm sorry if I can't do anything to get the justice that you deserve. Thank you for staying, even if everyone turned their back against me."

"I feel bad for not able to stay in your side all of the time. I transferred to another school 2 weeks ago, and I can't even defend you from those people who are cursing you."

"You never treated me like shit, so you don't have to feel bad because you never change. Thank you for making me feel like I'm not alone.

"I also came here to tell you that I contacted a lawyer for the case that I'm going to file against Taemin when he reached the legal age. I'm going to prepare everything, together with my younger brother, who is willing to support us in this battle." There are remaining 2 years before they turn into the legal age.

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