Chapter 25: Shell of What Once Was

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The taken that ushered forth from the portal were a large group of psions- but they weren't psions anymore: their bodies twitched as if they were glitching out in a video game, and their bodies were almost ghost like, with one white "eye" allowing them to see what they were fighting, and any attempts at them talking came out as hollow screeches and growls.

"Were those...?" Spe-7 doesn't get to speak as the the taken psions bring out slug rifles and begin firing.

"Those used to be cabal... Not anymore..." Taiki replies. "Back then there was a hive god named Oryx, and he was the one that created these monstrosities... Changing them with his dark powers." He says as he attempts to gun down one of the taken psions, only for it to split as soon as it takes a bullet to the face. "Don't shoot them! It'll make them multiply! Get up in their face!"

"Right!" Suzuka says as she charges forward and kicks one of the taken psions, sending it back through the shadowy portal it once came from. The other taken don't get so lucky as Taiki proceeds to put away his gun and let his fists loose as he caves one of their heads in with one punch and gouges out another's eye.

"I don't get why they're here though... Oryx is dead!" Taiki replies.

"If somebody with the power to Take is around, they can assume control of them." Ikora says over the comms. "But I don't know who would be capable of that."

"Well that doesn't matter right now we have more company!" Taiki quickly replies as more taken cabal emerge from the drill. "They must be drawn to the traveler's energy!"

"Wait... Is Ghaul trying to do what Oryx did but with light instead of the power to Take?" Ikora asks. "That just doesn't make sense." Suzuka and Spe-7 find themselves pinned down by a taken wizard, who's ushering forth an endless horde of what appear to be thralls, but at the same time they're not.

"I've got those guys! Focus on the wizard!" Taiki shouts as he starts mowing down the strange thrall that the taken wizard is spewing out, giving Spe-7 breathing room and a chance to make said wizard eat a rocket, obliterating it. "I think all of the cabal here were taken by that wizard... What the?!"

"What is THAT?!" Spe-7 asks as they spot a gigantic black ball floating just above the ground. It creates a strange barrier, and taken come forth from that ball.

"It's a taken blight! That's how they're coming in!" Taiki shouts as a large group of taken hive rush out. This time they used to be acolytes and they throw up strange turrets to give them covering fire, and among the masses is a taken knight, complete with giant sword, and it spews a fiery substance that nearly sets the exo ablaze had he not dodged. He quickly rushes forth, charging himself with arc energy, and he slams his fists on the ground, creating a shockwave and zapping the taken silly before he runs about destroying the blight with a single arc charged punch. The blight vanishes, cutting off the taken for the moment, and the knight attempts to spit at him- only for Taiki to beat it to the punch and headbutt it. When his energy is exhausted he holds his head in pain. "Ow... I really shouldn't have done that..."

"Are you okay? Why did you think it was a good idea to headbutt that thing?" Suzuka asks as she rushes over and checks his helmet. "At least you didn't crack it."

"Yeah, at least." Taiki chuckles weakly.

"Something tells me that Ghaul is trying to mine the light here, or at least the remnants of the traveler's energy to transform him and his legion into lightbearers. He could become immortal if he succeeded and that is something that could spell the end of the world for us. Quickly head back up to the surface, I need to find Zavala." Ikora says, but she's suddenly cut off by a new voice.

"This is a skyshock alert! Something or someone has drawn the taken to Io!" The new voice shouts out. It sounds grumpy in some sort of way.

"Asher Mir? Is that you?" Ikora asks.

"Irrelevant! The taken are sapping the moon's energy!" Asher replies. "If they aren't stopped they'll make the moon implode!"

"Then we'll put a stop to this!" Taiki shouts as the trio fight their way through more taken and reach the surface to find three taken wizards performing some sort of ritual. Guarding the wizards is a taken phalanx- the same one that was left behind by his comrades- and Taiki aims with his bow. "I'm sorry that your brothers left you..." He mumbles as he pulls back. "Hopefully this can help you rest easier." And with that he puts an arrow through the phalanx's head, destroying it while Spe-7 unleashes her solar energy, sending flaming horseshoes everywhere and nailing the taken wizards, quickly dispersing their horrid ritual and dissipating what would have been a massive taken portal.

"Well, that takes out the taken here. Now I need to find Zavala and help him out." Ikora says.

"Just one moment Ikora Rey!" Asher calls out. "There's still business that we have, and as for you three, come meet up with me. I've some choice words for you."

"...Are we in trouble?" Spe-7 asks as the three go to find Ikora and Asher.

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