Welcome to Remnant

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David POV

I have my eye's close as I hear weird noises including engines of a transport which I don't recognized at all. As I slowly opened my eyes to see what is going on all I see that I'm looking up in the sky and weird transport that I don't recognized before I could say anything I see Nick pop up in my view as he was panicking.

Nick: "We got to get him inside now!"

They began started escorting me towards a weird castle that is right in front of us as Nick and the others were pushing me towards it. As I lay down on the stretcher and look up to the sky before I start to remember what happened.

Flashback 1

It shows me as I was a kid standing in the living room seeing my parents dead on the floor as blood was everywhere. Not till it cuts showing me outside my house as police and ambulance were there seeing the paramedic carrying two bloody body bags out of the house. 

Not till one police officer walked up to me as I still stared at the two body bags of my parent's. 

Chief: "Hey.... I'm sorry that this happened."

David: "Where are they taking my Mommy and Daddy?"

Chief: "Somewhere safe that what I can tell you."

David: "Will they be alright?"

Chief: "Yeah they will...."

End of Flashback

I then look up to see where my team is taking me as I see a bunch of kids looking at us while we were close to the weird castle. Ramirez checked up on me as he was holding pressure of my wound as Sarah check my head.

Sarah: "Keep moving!"

Ramirez: "Hang in their Captain!"

Flashback 2

I began to remember what I did after that as I became a Winter Soldier when Divisional nine kidnapped me when I was young. Did horrible and sick experiment's on me turning me into their Super Soldier weapon as I remember all the people I killed in the past. Seeing their scared faces as I pointed a gun in front of their head before I pulled the trigger.


End of Flashback

Razor: "GET OUT OF WAY!!!"

Nick: "We need a doctor!"

Flashback 3

General: "This team will be known as Team Knight after completing the mission that was a threat to our way of life. Congrats and thank you for protecting America."

David: "That our job's sir. We are not hero's we are soldiers..."

End of Flashback

Nick: "Keep pressure on that wound Sarah!"

Sarah: "I'm trying!"

Flashback 4

David: "Knight leader to Knight group fire at will!"

Yes now I remember we fought the weird dragon that attack us but did we kill it? Yes..... Yes we did I saw it when it falls to the ground taking it last breath after hearing Machine gun fires off from Nick and Ramirez helicopter....... Yes I remember......

But the men who died from that attack. Their death will not be in vain they shouldn't have died from that attack......

End of Flashback

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