The Knights Disappearance

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*Ring* *Ring*

David: *Groans*

It was three am of the morning as David scroll was going off as David and Summer were sleeping together while David was holding onto Summer. Still hearing the scroll buzzing in the nightstand. David then slowly open his eyes and got up from bed as he then turns the scroll on. Not till getting blinded by the light.

(I swear I heard the song so many times)

David then opened his scroll as he sees the message from Ozpin needing him and his teams for a mission.  After reading the message David groans in tiredness as he then got up from bed. As David was getting ready Summer then slowly woke up as she was still sleepy.

Summer: "D-David?"

David went to Summer laying her back down to bed as he rubbed his hand on to her cheek.

David: "Hey Rosebud look something have come up and Ozpin requires me and the others right now. I might be gone for a while, but I'll be back soon."

Summer: "You sure you don't want me to come?"

David: "I'll be fine I could promise you that plus I need you to take care of Ruby after this is all done maybe we all could go somewhere as a family."

Summer: "Mm okay..."

David then kissed her and stroked her hair for a bit before Summer goes back to bed David then closed the door to his room. He then walked over to Ruby room to see his baby daughter asleep seeing her napping in her crib David then picked her up and cradles her in his arm as he kissed his daughter forehead before putting her back in her crib.

David: "I'll be back soon my young Knight Rose...."



Ramirez: *Yawns* "Why are we here again?"

Sarah: "We all got Ozpin message remember?"

Nick: "Why did he call us here I wish I was sleeping back in my bed."

Razor: "Same...."

David: "Guys cut the chatter he here."

As Team Knight see Ozpin walking up to him, he smiled and shook David hands.

Ozpin: "Good to see you all again."

David: "You called us what do you need?"

Ozpin: "Well we got strange reports of an anomaly happening in the emerald forest I tried to send in a group of teams, but they are busy at the moment which I need your Team David to checked it out."

David: "Alright we got our mission Knights let's do it."

Ramirez: "Another day to be a Knight Marksmen. What could go wrong?"


Emerald Forest.

It shows Team Knights slowly walking in the forest with their weapons as David was humming the song that he got stuck in his head.

Ramirez: "There nothing here."

David: "Keep looking"

Razor: "Captain are you sure that we are in the right location."

David: "I'm sure"

As they were walking together they hear one of their radio statics as they heard someone speaking on their radio channel.

???: "Team *Static* K-knight if you are still *Static* Out there *Static* Report.

Sarah: "Captain you hear this?"

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