Tutoring - English

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  - No, that was before she was born. - I laughed of his confusion.
  - So you're telling me the goddess of war wasn't a part of the war against her grandfather? - Zach asked surprised and the mess he created in his mind made me laugh even more.
  - Okay, listen to me. - I took a deep breath. - Number one: Athena isn't the goddess of war. Ares is. Athena is the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. - I waited to see if he was following me.
  - Then she is just Ares, but smart? - I could almost hear his brain cells struggling to understand the subject.
  - Well, yeah. You kind of got it, I guess. Now number two: only Zeus and his siblings fought Kronos. All of the others Olympians came after that. I mean, except Afrodite, but that's another story.
  - Gosh! Greek Mythology is so hard! I'm never gonna pass this test. - Zach cried for what must've been the third time that afternoon.
  I knew it wasn't going to be easy when I accepted tutoring Zachary Evans on Greek Mythology class, but if I wanted to get those extra credits it was worth the effort. And, as I found out, things didn't roll out so bad, after all.
  At least he wasn't a jerk like some of the boys he'd hang out with. I mean, he hardly payed atention to any of his classes and he did get called out a lot, but I heard it was because of his ADHD. Wich I get how hard it can be since my little brother was also diagnosed with the Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder a couple years ago.
  - Hey, can i ask you something? - Zach looked at me and blurted out after a few minutes of silence.
  - Um... yeah. - Suddenly, I got conscious of every single little thing around me.
  - But you don't have to answer if you don't want to. - The dark haired boy added quickly. His curls moved everytime he made an abrupt movement.
  - That's my least favorite type of question. - A nervous laugh escaped my lips. - But go ahead. Shoot it. - I took a lock of my hair from my face. My braid was starting to fall apart.
  - Why do you never go to the parties and dances from school?
  Well, that one caught me off guard. Why didn't I? I had never really thought of that. I mean, yes, I rarely went to social events, that was true. I guess I've just never been a "people person". But, why is that tho?
  - I don't know. - I answered after thinking about for a few long seconds. - I suppose I'm just never confortable on social stuff like that. - I said.
  - You suppose? As in you're not sure? Well, now that is a first. Analia Jones doesn't know something. - He teased.
  - Ha ha, you are hilarious. - I responded with a cynical look. - Not everybody can handle being in public, like Your Majesty of all people. - I joked.
  Zach smiled. He had a really beautiful smile, I'll admit. And when he shows it it's like his whole face lights up as well, his dark brown eyes reflecting the sun light coming in to my living room.
  - There's a dance this Saturday. Why don't you come with me so I can show you how it's done? - Evans fixed his posture, a bit nervous.
  I, however, was shocked. It took me a little while to come back to myself.
  - You want me to be your date on a school dance? - He nodded. - W-why? - I stuttered. He seemed confused by my question.
  - Well, I mean, that's the least I could do after all this lessons you've been giving me. Plus, I like you. You're really nice to me, and patient. Wich, to be honest, doesn't happen often. You know, 'cause of the ADHD. - Zach sort off whispered the last part.
  - So you wanna take me to the dance because I'm patient with you?
  - Among other things, yeah. - He looked around, avoiding my gaze.
  - Okay, I'll go to the dance with you. - I said, surprising the both of us.
  On the next Saturday, Zach drove to my house and, despite the ridiculous amont of anxiety I felt, he made sure I had the best night anyone could dream about.
  Who knew tutoring greek mythology could get you the sweetest boyfriend, huh?

-nina :)

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