A Whole New World

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This short story is based on Awesome_Turtle_ TMNT/MLPEG: Miracle Charm short story in this short story, in this short story, this is based on Part 3, during the "Friday the 13th festival," so I hope you will all enjoy it, and Awesome_Turtle_ I hope you enjoy this.

Okay so this request is for Awesome_Turtle_ and its based on another one of her amazing stories. It's a bit short, but apparently this is all I got, I hope you enjoy it.

That night, at the castle of the Miracle Charms, Twilight is in her bedroom writing in her diary sitting on her bed and her dog, Spike was sitting next to her. Twilight is writing about how her life was at in the Miracle Charm School, being part of the Miracle Charm team, and trying to befriend the Dark Fortunes.

Dear Diary,
It's been a month since me and the Miracle Charms have welcome the Dark Fortunes to the school. At first it didn't go so well because of the rivalry and the fighting that has been going on when they first fight. I know they want to be friends, but it's hard to be friends while they kept fighting. I mean, there are Raph, Donnie, and Mikey fighting Leo, who is the leader of the Dark Fortunes, then there is Casey and Applejack, I know that Applejack likes Casey, but sometimes he can be a bit flirty and it annoys her, Shinigami and Karai both dislike each other and always fight, but I know that deep down they seem to be friends once. And then there's April and Raroty, those two really hate each other, and seems to fight over Donnie, but I know Donnie like Rarity and apparently he doesn't seem to like April. And I don't know how long this rivalry will go on.

Then Spike started to see that Twilight was a bit upset about the whole rivalry between the Miracle Charm and the Dark Fortunes, so he starts to go her and snuggle her to comfort her, and Twilight started to smile at Spike and pet his head gently.

"Thanks Spike, I feel so much better now." Said Twilight as she continued writing in her diary.

But then after a few weeks of being together as a whole team, everything seems to be going good. But the truth is that I'm starting to develop a big crush on Leo. He is really handsome, really brave, and strong. Leo and I have been hanging out everyday, and the more time we hangout, the more I start to develop feelings for him. But I really hope that one day, I will tell Leo how I really feel about him.

After Twilight have finished writing in her diary, she close her diary put put it in her drawer for sage keeping. Then she sat on her bed and lay down a bit as she look confused and a bit upset, Spike jump on her bed and snuggle her to comfort her.

"Oh Spike, I don't know what to think, I mean I understand that the Dark Fortunes and the Miracle Charms are rivals, but I know that we can be friends." Said Twilight as she smiles." And my feelings for Leo is growing stronger, I hope one day I will tell him how I feel."

As Twilight pets her dog gently, she suddenly start to here some tapping sounds at her balcony door, causing her and Spike to get shock and confused at first, Twilight look to see that someone is out there which scared her. Then as she got up, she started to hear something.

"Twilight." Said a voice from outside.

"Who's there?" Asked Twilight looking a bit scared.

"Don't worry, it's me Leo." Said Leo as he respond and Twilight open her balcony door.

"Oh hey Leo, you kinda scare me a bit." Said Twilight as she smiles.

"Sorry, I just want to check up on you, how are you doing Twilight?" Asked Leo as he smiles.

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