Pokémon Dance Magic Part 1

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This short story is inspire from My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Dance Magic. In this short story, is where the girls are planning their music video with their Pokémon, but the Shadowbolts tried to steal their concept.

Be warn, I was planning on doing  TMNT/MLPEG/SONIC Pokémon Stories and there's a bit spoiler ahead with this so, I decided to make Pokémon stories based on MLP EG and TMNT and SONIC, but until I can make them, enjoy the short story.

Also, my old one got deleted, but I was lucky I save this from my file, so enjoy the chapter.

On a bright sunny day at the Pokémon School in Canterlot City of the Equestria Region, the Mane 7 are busy at work as they were washing cars with their Pokémon. Sunset and Applejack put sponges inside the bucket of soapy water and run to go wash the next car with their partners Charmeleon and Grovyle.

Pinkie Pie: To the right
To the right
To the left
To the left
Now up
Now up
Bring it down
Spin it around
Wash that car
Like you mean it
Come on

Sunset and Applejack scrub the red truck with the soapy sponge. Then Fluttershy use the hose to soak down the car while her partner Vaporeon, the Bubble Jet Pokémon, until the soap is all gone. Then Rarity use a hair dryer to dry up the car while her partner Swanna, the White Bird Pokémon, use gust to dry the car as well. And for the finishing touch, Pinkie use hand scrubbers to put the shine on the red vehicle. In the red truck is Applejack's big brother Big Mac, and he hands out some money.

"Hah! Thanks, Big Mac." Said Rainbow Dash as she takes the cash and Big Mac drives the car away." Sweet! More cash to add to the stash!"

"Woo-hoo!" Cheer Pinkie cheers as she wave the scrubbers like pom poms.

"How about a little break?" Asked Rarity as she sigh from exhaustion." All of this sunshine and suds are doing a number on my hair."

The girls agree to the idea, and get a drink of apple juice from the ice cooler while their Pokémon relax after the hard work they do. They have been working hard, and think it will be a good idea for a break. Then Rainbow begin to notice there's one person missing from their group.

"Hey, anybody seen Twilight lately?" Asked Rainbow Dash as she look around.

"I'm here." Said Twilight as she runs back to the others with her Pokémon partner Spike, who is a Gabite, the Cave Pokémon, and holding the box with the cash." I was just going over the numbers again."

"Have we raised enough to make all the repairs to Camp Everfree?" Asked Sunset.

"We've only raised half. I counted the money four times just to be sure." Said Twilight as she take a quick peak in the box, and the girls sigh in disappointment.

"It's all right. We can just wash more cars. There's gotta be some we missed." Said Applejack as she tried to bring their hope.

However, the girls all look to see there are no more cars at the parking lot and it was completely empty. Apparently the only thing that is there is their car washing equipment and that Big Mac's car was the only thing they wash.

"I think we're going to need another idea to raise money." Said Sunset Shimmer.

"But we're running out of time! The camp fundraising deadline is next week. And Pinkie Pie's already hosted a bake sale, Twilight and Fluttershy had that Pokémon day care, Applejack of course had to sell her apple treats, and Sunset Shimmer and I planned this car wash." Said Rainbow Dash as she felt a bit unfortunate." We're running out of ideas."

"Not to worry, darlings. It's my turn to devise a plan, and I already have something amazing in mind." Said Rarity with confidence." It will be the most profitable of all of our fundraising events! The pièce de résistance!"

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