The True Fairest of them All

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This short story is inspire by Awesome_Turtle_ from her Miracle Charms Story: in this short story, is where Twilight confronts Adagio Dazzle and proves that she is the true Fairest of them All.

Twilight was really worried over her head because apparently the Good Luck Charms and the Dark Fortunes have been acting strange lately and look like rivals again. For the past few weeks, the Good Luck Charms and the Dark Fotunes have been acting like rivals again.

Casey and Donnie have been glaring at each other and always argue, Rarity and April are both fighting over Donnie again, even though he is Rarity's boyfriend, and the others just kept on fighting, and Twilight doesn't understand why, neither did Mae or Mattea and they try to break it off.

'Oh, what has gotten the others so angry at each other, I mean it's not like for them to argue like that.' Thought Twilight as she remembered three hours ago of what had happened.

As Twilight kept on walking, she look out the window and saw the others fight as they are punching and slapping each other, even the princesses are fighting as well. Twilight was still worried and started to leave the sight before she could see more fighting and punches, but she didn't see a hooded figure using her magic to lure the others to where she's taking them.

Now Twilight is in the library trying to read some book so she could figure out what is wrong with her friends. She has been going through every book but couldn't be able to find an answer. She was going through every book, but was always a dead end and Twilight began to feel worried.

"Oh come on, there gotta be something here that explains why the others are fighting, I mean they don't just fight for no reason." Said Twilight as she look worried." Oh come on, I know my friends and I know they will never want to fight each other, there's gotta be a solution to all of this."

As Twilight kept on reading the last book she have found in the library, she discovered that there was no answer and she felt like it was a dead end. Then she got out of the library to find her friends, so she went to the Good Luck Charms form to talk to them, but when she arrived, she saw that the whole place was trashed.

"Oh my god, what happen here?!" Said Twilight in shock as she looks around." Guys, where are you?!"

She look around the room to look for her friends, but apparently she couldn't find them, so she went to the Dark Fortunes dorm room ask them where the Good Luck Charms are, but then she saw that their dorm is trashed as well and couldn't be able to find them. Then Twilight began to worry and hoping that they weren't trying to do something they will regret.

And then Twilight decided to go see the two princesses in their office, hoping that they are there and they will help her, but as she arrived, she saw that the office was trashed and no one is in there.

"Oh no, not the two princesses too. . . First the Good Luck Charms, then the Dark Fortunes, and now the two princesses, what is going on here?!" Asked Twilight as she look worried." Mae, Matt where are you?!"

Then as she look around the office, she have found a piece of paper on the flower with a yellow diamond print on it, then Twilight pick it up and saw that it was a note from Adagio Dazzle, and then she begin to read it.

Twilight Sparkle
You and I have some unfinished business we need to deal with, if you want to see your friends and the princesses again, meet me outside in the crystal caves so we can settle on who is the fairest of them all!
Adagio Dazzle

"WHAT. . . Oh Adagio Dazzle, why can't you just leave me in peace?!" Said Twilight as she looks upset." Oh never mind that, I gotta save the others!"

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