Pokémon Dance Magic Part 2

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Back at the Pokémon center, inside a common room, Rarity and Twilight have return and give the girls the bad news. What's more Rarity is distress about the whole thing. However, everyone else are surprised to hear what Twilight has said to the Shadowbolt girls.

"Woah!" Said Rainbow Dash in shock." I can't believe you actually did that Twilight?!"

"I know." Said Rarity as she look shock as well." I didn't think Twilight can be so severe about it."

"Are you alright, Twilight?" Asked Sunset Shimmer as she look a bit worried.

"Yeah Twilight, to be honest, I never seen you like that before." Said Spike as he goes to Twilight.

"Yeah I'm okay, I was just disappointed in them, I just hope what I said can get through to them." Said Twilight as she look upset." But to be honest, I was actually angry at them."

"I'm guessing that you still haven't forgive them for what had happen during the Friendship Games." Said Sunset Shimmer as she comforts Twilight.

"No I haven't, and I still can't believe that they are stealing our idea." Said Twilight as she look upset." I just wish they would stop trying to think about winning."

"Oh, this is all my fault, all the money we raised is gone, and now we have no music video, I should never have convinced you all that we could pull this off in so little time!" Said Rarity as she feels guilty.

"Are you crazy? We're great at doing stuff super-fast. I mean, look at Pinkie Pie, she just built that castle made entirely out of chocolate bars while we were talking." Said Rainbow as she smirks.

They look to see that Pinkie has build a castle out of chocolate, icing, and other kinds of sweets. It's tall as half of the room from the floor to the ceiling. She has just finished putting the chocolate star on top of the castle, using the piano to do so. Then Pinkie eats a piece.

"Want some?" Asked Pinkie and the girls calmly denies.

"What I want is a new video concept!" Said Rarity as she whines.

"I just can't believe the Shadowbolts would be so stubborn." Said Twilight as she frowns." I mean, I know they only focus on winning, but what they did is so out of line."

"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll come around Twilight." Said Sunset as she smiles at Twilight." In the meantime, let's try to come up with a new video."

"Yeah, let's create one!" Said Rainbow Dash as she smirks.

"Really?" Asked Rarity with a large smile.

"I'm sure if we all put our heads together, we'll come up with something even better than before." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.

"Okay, I suppose it's worth a try." Said Rarity as she smiles.

Then of nowhere, Pinkie started to dragged all of the girls with their heads close together. Some of them are feeling a bit uncomfortable with their personal space, but seem to help to come up with a new idea for the music video. Even the Pokémon pull their heads close together as they think as well.

"I think it's working!" Said Pinkie happily.

"Yeah! I-got somethin'!" Said Applejack as she began to tell her idea." Okay, so we're in home-ec class..."

With their imagination, they are in the home-ec classroom, and are wearing western style clothes, with hats, boots, and some wear bandanas. Rarity shrieks in reply, seeing the outfit she is wearing. Even the Pokémon have a some western style outfits on.

"Bakin' some apple fritters, then a fresh batch comes outta the oven." Said Applejack as trays of apple fritters appear in front of the group." And everybody's havin' a great time!"

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