A Hot Admirer Romance

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This short story is based on Awesome_Turtle_ TMNT/MLPEG/SONIC: Opposites Attract short story "Hot Admires," in this short story, I thought of what will actually happen to them during part 4, where Raph have comfort Sunset and sleep with her, I decided to change it up a bit.

Okay so this request is for Awesome_Turtle_ and its based on one of her amazing stories. I want to warn you to be aware that this short story have some smut when it begins and ends. I know that certain people are uncomfortable with smut, so with this symbol you are able to skip it and you aren't missing much. So there will be three hearts (🔥) at the start and end of smut. There is your warning. Abs before we start, Raph and the other mutants are human in this short story.

Sunset Shimmer was in the fire department with her partners Casey and Donnie as they were talking about the previous fire they had put out and save the people. Sunset Shimmer was happen that her life has changed since her childhood years.

She still remembered when she was just a girl, she was always picked on and being bullied because of one boy, Raphael Hamato. While she was still in school and just a little girl, she was always being picked on for being a bit fat, and thinking that she was ugly.

So when Sunset Shimmer decided to move to another country, she thought it will be a great opportunity to start a new life and stay away from Raph. Then as years went by, Sunset Shimmer have grown into a beautiful girl and a firefighter in the fire department. Everyone recognizes her from grade school, and felt guilty for bullying her and they reconcile.

"Wow Sunset, you are really amazing today." Said Donnie as he smiles.

"Thanks Donnie, that really means so much to me." Said Sunset as she smiles.

"You know Sunset, we still feel guilty about how we treated you during grade school." Said Casey as he and Donnie both look guilty.

"Guys, I understand, you all had some problems trying fit in a group back then." Said Sunset as she smiles." Besides, it's all in the past, what's best is to move on and try to make a new beginning."

"Are you sure Sunset?" Asked Casey as he look at Sunset.

"I mean what we did to you during our childhood is awful." Said Donnie as he still feels guilty.

"If there's one thing I learn, is that the past is in the past, everyone should deserve a second chance." Said Sunset as she smiles." And that people change and want to make the right thing and you guys deserve my second chance."

That got the boys to smile at Sunset Shimmer as she smiles at them. Then Rarity and Applejack have both came inside the room as they both go to their boyfriends.

"Hi Donnie, how are you darling?" Asked Rarity as she kissed Donnie's cheek.

"I'm doing great today." Said Donnie as he hugs his girlfriend.

"Hey there Casey, I see that you are doing great." Said Applejack as she kisses Casey.

"Yeah, today I was great!" Said Casey as he smirk.

"Casey, you didn't do anything extreme, Sunset Shimmer was the one who did the extreme stuff." Said Donnie as he roll his eyes.

"Wow Sunset Shimmer, no wonder you are the number one fire chief in the fire department." Said Rarity as she smiles.

"Thanks girls, but I really don't want to take all the credit." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles shyly.

"But Sunset, you are like the greatest firefighter ever, and you will do anything to help out people." Said Applejack as she smiles.

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