Chapter 6

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 With that, she left the room and headed into an empty storage room where she closed the door.

She took a deep breath, trying to recall everything that had just happened. Usually, nothing bothers her. But knowing there was someone who was out there created for the same purpose as she made Luna somewhat insecure. It even made her mournful.

After wiping a tear, she untucked a necklace from her shirt, looking down at a pendant that was in the shape of a Morning Glory and was a beautiful ocean blue.

"Why didn't you try to let me out..." she sighed.

~ Flashback~

It was 2 years after Luna had been released. Everyone was thrilled about the experiment being a complete success. Gerald Robotnik was comfortable leaving Luna and Maria together.

"C'mon Luna!" a seven-year-old Maria urged, pulling her by the arm. "Okay okay! I'm trying!" Luna giggled, following her best friend. "Look at the moon!" Maria said, pointing to the large planet orbiting Earth. Luna was stunned by this. She'd never really seen it this close before. "Wow... it's...  it's beautiful!" she gasped.

"I know! That's why I named you after the moon!" she replied cheerily. "But... my name is Luna." Luna said. "No silly! Luna means moon in Spanish! I thought it fit because you shine so bright. And one day, you'll shine brighter than the sun on Earth." Maria told her, pointing to the planet that she was talking about.

Luna peaked out at the large green and blue planet that was behind the moon. "What's it like there?" she asked. "I don't remember much... but from what I remember, it's the best place to be! There's so much to do! I wish I could go back." Maria sighed, continuing to stare at the Earth and leaning against the window's ledge. "I promise we'll get to go back soon!" Luna reassured, reaching over and putting a hand on her back. "You really think so?" she asked brightly. "I know so." Luna smiled.

Happy about this promise, Maria threw herself into Luna's arms. "Thank you Luna." she murmured and held onto Luna tightly. This was one warm feeling that Luna would cherish for the rest of her life. "Your welcome." she sighed, gently lifting Maria off the ground. "C'mon, you need your rest after today." Luna said, carrying her off to another room.

A protective Luna gently placed Maria down in her bed, covering her up with the blankets. There was nothing else to do other than sit there and look at the view in front of her.

'One day Maria... One day we'll go together. You and me... forever...'

~End Flashback~

The memory of that night stayed with Luna for the rest of her life. Tears continued to fall down Luna's cheeks as she recovered. 'No matter how mad I am with my past... I can never be mad with you...' The small flower pendant still stayed close to her chest and she gently rubbed the center of it. "Ahem!" a voice alerted. Caught off guard by this, Luna quickly tucked it under the shirt again and looked at her leader.

"I hope you're ready for the next part of our mission." he said irritated. "Of course, my apologies sir. What's my task?" she asked. "Good!" he sneered.

"Take this pack, it has more supplies you might need to capture those nuisances out there. You might have better luck heading into town to try to lure them in. Perhaps you can try to steal something completely random! They'll crawl out at anything!" Eggman instructed. "Of course, I'll be back soon. The Chaos Emeralds will be brought to you soon!" Luna said proudly before teleporting away from his view.

Pleased with his servant's dedication, Dr. Eggman decided to head to the dungeon where Silver and Blaze were being kept inside the clear cylinder prison where they were leaning against it trying to wrap their heads around what just happened.

 "So, I see you've adjusted to your new home!" he said cunningly. Silver and Blaze looked up in disbelief at seeing the Doctor for the first time in forever. "Eggman!" they snapped. "Yes, that's me! Funny seeing you back here. I would've thought you'd be soaking up the sun from the future!" he chuckled evilly. "We were doing fine until that clone came and ruined everything!" Silver snapped.  "How'd you even make another Ultimately LifeForm? Shadow is practically impossible to recreate again!" Blaze cried.

Dr. Eggman laughed as he fiddled with his mustache, making it poofier than last time. "Ha! Even I know my skills wouldn't have created something as powerful as Shadow!" he sneered. "Then how? HOW! And why! What is this going to do for you? What's your plan!" Silver demanded. "I'm glad you asked," he replied, waving for Cubot to come over to his side Cubot then projected a series of images from his eye, showing the blueprints for his plan.

"You see, from the files that I've been able to unlock, Luna can drain any Lifeforms energy to the point that they're nothing. When I gather every single one of you, I will instruct my wonderful assistant to take all of your strength and take it for her own so then she'd have endless power to then use it for the next part of my plan!" he explained, then Cubot shifted the view to a completely different slide where he was showing a machine that Eggman had planned to use.

"This, is what I like to call, the Ultimate Weapon! What I plan to do is use the Chaos Emeralds that she's stealing and use those power up the machine. This machine was built to destroy anything in its path that contains life. What I want to do, is wipe all Lifeforms out there so then I can begin a fresh new Empire that will be mine!" he laughed hysterically. "WHAT!" Silver and Blaze shouted, panicked.

"Y-You mean you're just going to wipe out all living things?" Blaze cried.

"To build an Empire?" Silver cried.

Obviously, they were all scared. Terrified about this discovery, they could only stare at the literal mad scientist who seemed pleased with this. "I'll be back soon, just behave for now. I might just let you watch the end of the world!" he told them triumphantly, before leaving them in the room.

Stunned by this, Blaze sunk down to the floor of her prison. She looked over at Silver who wasn't sure what to say. "Just when everything was perfect... someone decides to ruin it all over again..." he sighed.

"We can't give up hope! There's nothing we can do now... all we can do is hope and pray that Espio can get that message to the others." she told him. "We're not going down without a fight." she reassured. Blaze then put her hand against the wall of the prison to try and comfort Silver who then put his own hand against his prison. All they could do was wait.

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