Chapter 18

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What? How?! Wasn't she exhausted before? I have to find her. When the others came to see what was going on, there were in for a big surprise. "She's gone?!" Charmy gasped. "Where is she gonna go?!" Amy cried. "Look, we'll spread out and search! She couldn't have gone too far!" Sonic instructed and everyone raced out the door. While they were searching, Shadow turned his attention to the flash drive Tails left on the table.

Curious, he picked it up and inserted it into the laptop nearby. After waiting for it to load, he realized there were many files on the drive. There was only one that opened up for him, but it was only a picture of Luna. He clicked another before it demanded a password. Hmm. Shadow clicked on the hint button. Our Favorite flower

After reading that, Shadow typed in the word Morning Glory. The computer accepted his password and it unlocked all the once locked-up files. Once they were ready, he read each one to himself seeing what there was about Luna. But there was one that really stood out to him. It looked a lot like a letter. He clicked on it and read.

Log 657

Today... I had to shut down one of my proudest creations yet. Project Luna did not work how I thought she would. Unfortunately, she's just too strong and we don't have enough answers on how to fix her. There are things I'm worried about if we were to release her and make her the Ultimate Lifeform. Would she hurt someone or would she lose control of her powers? Maybe... Maybe not. Better safe than sorry. Locking Luna away is probably the most heartbreaking thing that I've done in all my life.

She feels like another grandchild. One that left us too soon. Maria is also beyond sad. Those two were tight like glue. But if I kept on with this, there's no telling what she could've done. She's destroyed a lot of equipment. The Chaos Emeralds need to be repaired. I must also focus on the newest Project, Project Shadow.

No... he's not to replace her by any means. However, I'm hoping by creating Shadow, we can one day free Luna and improve her. It's not here time though. But I promise you, Luna... I will never give up on finding a solution. I'm sorry we failed you. I'm sorry I failed you. Maria and I will never forget you. You've done so much. I don't know why I'm writing to you like we're dying! But, I just knew deep down in my heart, that you deserved an apology.

Be patient. Be strong. When it's your time, you will shine. Truly you were one experiment that I'll always cherish. I hope we can introduce you to your brother. I don't want you to grow up without each other...  For now, I shall keep these files locked. Shadow and the other future employees will never know. Project Luna shouldn't be discovered for now. 

Too many questions might lead to her destruction and extermination. I'm considering even moving her to a different location.

This is Gerald Robotnik, signing off.

After reading everything there, Shadow closed the laptop and gave a heavy sigh. Luna was never given up on. But he wished the truth came out sooner. Well, that means she must've headed to the safest place. An idea popped into his head and he knew it was a long shot but he decided to try it anyway. In his mind, he thought about his sister and where she possibly be. Suddenly, the image of her sitting all alone in a specific spot crossed his path. Without wasting any more time, he raced out the door, forgetting to close it.


After running to the spot he thought she was. And he was right. She was there. Sitting on the ground in the middle of a field where there was a grave. She just sat there in complete silence and didn't do anything. Carefully, Shadow approached Luna and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You didn't have to come for me." she said.

"I did. Luna... you don't have anywhere to go." he replied. "I have a home. Right here. I finally have a place to stay. I don't have any other thing to do other than watch over her. It's the only thing I have to do. Please... don't bother with me. I'd rather stay out here than be locked up anywhere on this planet." she begged him. Cautiously, Shadow took a seat next to her, sitting there calmly.

Together they sat there in silence, not knowing what to say. "They both truly cared for you Luna. I know you don't believe it. But they did." Shadow promised. "Don't try to defend what they did." "I'm not. Trust me. They did it to me, Luna, I have yet to let it go myself." "Why are you here?"

"I... I know that going through this whole chaos... I've never gotten to know the real you. What makes you a real hedgehog. You and I share blood, whether you like it or not. You said... before you died that you were sorry and that you wish you could've gotten to know me. Has that changed at all?" Luna looked at him and slightly nodded. She was a little sad but they looked at the grave together. "Do you think I did something right for once?" she asked Shadow. "I know you did." he reassured.

Once again, they sat there in silence, staring at the grave with Maria's name on it. "Thank you... for believing in me." Luna thanked happily. "Of course." Shadow sighed.

No matter what else these two had to go through from here forward, they'd be there together.


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