Chapter 4: Strike Back Against Ammo Baron

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Rex, Shantae and her friends arrived at the Residential Area of Scuttle Town, where part of it has been destroyed by Ammo Baron's tanks, leaving nothing but rubble in his wake.  Shantae and her friends saw what Ammo Baron has done to the area. 

Sky: This is terrible!

Zapple: So this is what Ammo Baron does.

Plink: Man, what a mess.

Shantae: Sorry guys, I should've been back sooner.

Bolo: It's not your fault, Shantae.

Rex: Bolo's right, Ammo Baron is to blame and he's gonna pay for what he did.

Rottytops: I just can't believe that guy pull it off.

Vera: I hope that the people made it out of here are alright. We need find them and Mayor Scuttlebutt.

Harmony: Speaking of finding, where are those cybertronians you and Rex were talking about, Shantae?

Shantae: They should be around here. They're really cool. They're made entirely of metal, really huge, and they even transform too.

Shantae's friends were curious of what she meant by transform.

Bolo: Transform? Into what?

Just then the ground started to shake. It sounded like footsteps from a giant.

Rottytops: Uh guys, something's coming this way.

Sky: Probably more of Ammo Baron's henchmen.

Bolo: That doesn't sound like henchmen to me.

The sound of the footsteps got closer and closer. Everyone got into their fighting stance to fight against the approaching foe. They didn't know which direction the sound was coming from until Rottytops whacked her leg on something so hard that she shake back. She turned around to see Grimlock. 

Grimlock: [growls]

Rottytops: [gulps] Uh guys. Found it.

Everyone turned around and saw Grimlock in his Dino Mode. Amazed by his size and form.

Shantae's friends: Whoa!

Shantae: I know, right?

Rex: Meet Grimlock.

Grimlock: Where's the Ammo Baron?

Sky: Not sure where he is.

Bolo: Hold on, is it just him here?

Shantae: Uh no, I think the others are here with him.

Rottytops: You mean there others?!

Rex: Oh yeah! And here they come!

The other Dinobots came in front of everyone. Shantae's friends were in awe by this. Then Optimus comes in and transforms into Robot Mode right before their eyes. Grimlock and the Dinobots transformed into their Robot Modes as well.

Optimus Prime: Have you been able to find Ammo Baron?

Shantae: No luck, Prime. He's not in this area.

Rex: [groans] That one-eyed pirate is a pain!

Sky: You have no idea.

Harmony: I can't believe of what I'm seeing right now.

Harmony looks at Optimus and the Dinobot in amazement. Never in her life has she seen something like this.

Bolo: You two never said they were that big!

Rex: There are some even bigger then these guys here. 

Shantae and friends:  WHAAAAATTTTTT!!!!!

Plink: Are you joking right now?!

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