Chapter 1: A New Ret-2-Go!

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As both the Ark and the Nemesis get sucked into the unstable space bridge, Optimus Prime was hanging on to the Ark while Megatron was flung into the vortex thought to never be seen again. The ship break apart piece by piece, bit by bit, the Ark was about to be destroyed along with everyone in it. Optimus was still gripping on the metal plates resist the pull of the vortex. Bumblebee, who was still in stasis was being pulled in into the vortex until Optimus grabbed Bumblebee in the nick of time but was loosing his grip and about be suck in. Until out of nowhere, a portal appeared behind Optimus and a cable out and wrapped itself around Bumblebee, pulling him and Optimus inside the portal, then closed shut after. Both Optimus and Bumblebee were flying through the portal and was followed by someone, someone who will help them in their journey. His name is Rex McRage.

The portal opened again, but now in Sequin Land, Optimus Prime came out of the portal falling to ground.

The portal opened again, but now in Sequin Land, Optimus Prime came out of the portal falling to ground

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Optimus Prime: AAAAAHHHH!!! Oof!

Optimus has crashed to the ground creating a big crater. Not soon after he crashed, someone else came out of the portal, but it was not Bumblebee though. 



Optimus got up and looked to see not Bumblebee, but Rex whom has portal came out of the portal as well.  Not sure of whether if Rex is organic or not, he might hold the answers of where he has landed. Rex came conscious and looked up to see his surroundings and but was suprised by Optimus. Rex didn't like being surprised from behind.

Optimus Prime: Are you unharmed, soldier?

Rex McRage: Yes! Yeah, I'm fine. 

Rex came down from the tree he was clinging on and went up to Optimus.

Rex McRage: But I can't say the same for the portal up there!

Rex and Optimus turn their attention up to the sky and watch as the  portal closed.

Rex and Optimus turn their attention up to the sky and watch as the  portal closed

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Optimus Prime: Is that portal we came through?

Rex McRage: Yep that's the portal.

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