A Christmas Tori

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Your outfit not mine. You can change it if you don't like it.

Your POV

I was sitting with Jade with my knees to my chest while drawing a picture of.... Something for my friends

Sikowitz: Ho ho and ho!

Cat: Hi, hi, and hiiiiiii!

Sikowitz: All right, young lovers of learning and short pants...

Cat: I do love short pants

Jade: Yeah, guess what I love?

Cat: What?

You and Jade: Slapping Perky redheads.

Me and Jade looked at each other and laughed

Sikowitz: How Jade... Don't be a Christmas grunch.

Ha ha ha. "Grunch". That's my word

Then Tori and Andre walked in and he seemed... Distressed.

Tori: You need at calm down.

Andre: I can't calm down!

Tori: It's not the end of the world.

Andre: Yeah, it is... Its absolutely the end of the world.

Tori: You have all next semester to make it up.

Andre: I don't care, I'm just gonna give up music!

Tori: You know what...

Andre: Just forget it! Forget everything!

He then sat down angry. What's wrong with hi--- Ohhhhhhh.

Sikowitz: HO HO HO and jingle bells!

Let's just say... Andre didn't appreciate that. I ran mh fingers through Beck's hair as he was asleep on my shoulder.

Andre: I'm sorry but all of y'all can just keep your Christmas spirit to yourself

Me: You got beef with Christmas?

Cat: I love Christmas beef! Every year, my brother steals a chuck roast and then rubs it with--

Jade: CAT!

Beck: Hey. Hey. You woke me up

Sikowitz: Ooh sorry Beck. Certainly wouldn't want to keep you awake during my class.

Beck: Thanks. You're the best.

He laid his head in my lap and went to sleep.

Sikowitz: Before I get my "teach on"... Andre... Why the sour puss?

Robbie: Yeah. Why the sour puss?

Andre: I don't really wanna talk about us.

Tori: Andre wrote a Christmas song for his creative music class...

Andre groans

Tori: And it was a really great...

He groans again

Me: but his teacher gave him...

Andre: Don't say it out loud.

Me: Ok

Andre: A D. Ah! I said it out loud!

Robbie: A D?

Robbie: I've always gotten A's in music. How does a person go from an A to a D?

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