Tori and Jade's playdate

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(Your outfit. You can change it if you want. It's not mine)

Your POV

I was sitting in my chair playing with Becks fingers since they were intertwined with mine.

Bells rings

Sikowitz: Good Morning, little mittens. [Laughing] Alright, now It's time for... Bas news

Rex: They found out coconut juice makes your hair fall out?

Sikowitz: [laughing] No. We're going to do an acting exercise about giving bad news

Jade: Why?

Sikowitz: Why? To teach you that acting often involves making choices about how to say things. For example, how do you give someone bad news and make it seem not so bad?

Cat: By telling them in a language that they don't understand!

Sikowitz: No, Cat! Just come up on stage here. You too Robbie, up, up.

They both walk onto the stage while I was still playing with Beck's fingers

Sikowitz: Now your partner in this little acting exercise....

They other door opened to reveal a little boy.

Sikowitz: Tanner, come in. Everybody this is Tanner. A young boy who lives next door to me. Have a seat. Alright, Cat and Robbie, heres a card with some... Random.. Bad news to give to Tanner

Robbie: Got it.

Cat: Okay.

Sikowitz: Good, now improvise a scene where you have to give Tanner that bad news in a way that doesn't upset him

I zoned out until I heard a guitar playing. That's when I looked up at them

This is Robbie
This is Cat
This is both of them

This kind of news is always hard to tell someone

We really hope it doesn't break your heart

But somebody ran

Yes, somebody ran

A woman or man

Maybe in a van

Somebody ran over your go-cart


Cat: It's unfixable!

The class clapped. It was good.

Sikowitz: Now that's how you give bad news. See? The boy is smiling!

Tanner: Yeah, that was really cool. You guys just made that song up? Right now?

Cat and Robbie: Yup!

Sikowitz: And now, Tanner. This is for you

He came out with a cart full of car parts. Well go-cart parts

Tanner: My... My go-cart!

Sikowitz: Sorry. At night, your parents driveway looks a lot like... mine. Now, off you go!

The boy left the room. I felt bad for him. Poor kid.

Tori: Wait! You really ran over the boys go-cart?

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