Andre's Horrible Girl

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(Your outfit. Not mine)

Your POV
I was sitting with the group and talking with Beck about what to do Saturday night.

Robbie: Cat... Why'd you just throw your drink in the trash?

Cat: 'Cuz I wasn't thirsty.

Robbie: But... But you bought the... Ah forget it

Tori: What are you doing Saturday night?

Cat: I'm dog sitting for mom's boss

Tori: Oh. What kind of dog?

Cat: I'm not sure. He's got paws and a tail..

Me: Maybe he's an English pawtail.

Jade then walked over to us and I gave her a small smile that she returned

Tori: What are you doing Saturday night?

Jade: Oh what... What, you think 'cuz Jacob and I broke up, I don't have anything to do Saturday night?!

Me: No, she never said--

She interrupted me and I zoned out and got up with Beck and Tori. We walked through the hallway and saw Andre

Tori: What is up with you and all the fancy clothes lately?

Andre: What's fancy? They're just clothes.

Beck: Whoa... Is that a Bouzet watch?

I grabbed Andre's wrist and looked at it

Me: This is a Bouzet

Tori: I've always wanted to see a Bouzet

Beck: Where are you getting all this stuff?

???: Andre... Hey Andre...

I looked over and saw a girl running over to my cousin with a scarf

Andre: Oh hey. Hey Hope.

Hope: You forgot your new scarf

Andre: Yeah. Forgot. I didn't leave it in your car on purpose

Me: Ummm... Hello~?

Andre: Oh um... You guys, this is... This is Hope. Hope these are some people I know


He waved


She smiled

And my cousin Y/n

I nodded and looked away

Andre: Oh, I dunno, I'm actually not quite feeling the scarf with this shirt, you know?

Hope: When I gave you this scarf you said you loved it. Were you lying?!

Andre: No baby. Baby I love it! Just lemme put it back around my neck

He put that... Unique scarf around his neck and I tried not to laugh

Andre: Yeah. That's the thing.

Hope: See it looks nice.

Me: Like a pretty leash

I laughed while Beck wrapped his arm around my waist and squeezed it to tell me to stop

Hope: So I'll pick you up at lunch. We'll go grab some soosh?

Andre: Absa-loosh

Tori: Ew.

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