The bird scene

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(your outfit not mine)
Your pov
"Andre do I have to do this bird scene" I asked annoyed. "If you wanna try out for any plays yeah" I groaned and hit my head on my locker. Beck came and stopped me "what did that locker ever do to you" I rolled my eyes and opened it. "I don't wanna do the bird scene but I have to if I wanna try out for any plays" he laughed and said "well I'm sure you can pass it one the first try like I did, and I can't wait to see what you do with your locker" I sighed I can't let jade or beck know I like him

~Time skip to Tori's brid scene~
Sikowitz thought she didn't do a good job neither did anyone else but I did, it was turn and I sat down.
"So you don't have anything to say after that" asked Andre. "Nope because quite frankly I did a good job, so I don't care what anyone else says" everyone started clapping and said that I passed the bird scene.

~time skip~
Tori kept asking us what she did wrong bit we wouldn't tell her
"Come on just tell me what I did wrong I thought you were my friends", Jade said "I'm not your friend" and left with Beck to get a soda.
"We can't tell you sorry Tori" everyone left accept me. "Come on you'll tell me right Y/n"? She asked me. "I wish I could but I can't I'm sorry" I walked off to get paint to decorate my locker.

The next day
It was time for Tori to do the bird scene again and I saw her give him to large coconuts. I whispered to Jade "does the milk really give him visons"? She shrugged her shoulders and looked annoyed at Tori's bird scene. She needs to stop asking what we think it's about what she thinks that's why she's not passing the bird scene.
I was walking with Jade and we saw Beck talking to Tori and she got jealous, "Chill Jade you know he loves you and all the girls are too scared to take him from you" I patted(is that even a word) her shoulder and walked up to them.
"Tori I don't mean to be mean but you gotta do more than a stripe for your locker" I then walked away to my songwriting class.

I was walking with Tori and she decided to try and flirt with Robbie to get him to tell her about the bird scene. It didn't work as usual. I shook my head and headed to the asphalt cafe to get coffee.

Next day
I really hope Tori can pass the bird scene.
"Andre Robbie what happened to you"? They shook their heads and we sat down listening to Tori. After Tori told off Sikowitz we all started clapping for her, even Jade.

"What"? Sikowitz told her what we wanted to tell her and I said "Finally this was becoming annoying", Tori said "I can see why you and Jade are friends now" me and Jade laughed as we already knew it was true

~Time skip to Tori's locker~
Tori finally showed us her locker.
"I don't like it" said Jade, "Jade let's be honest you don't like anything Tori does" she wrapped her arms around my shoulders "This is why we are such good friends" said said and I laughed.

"I believe in my own choice and I don't need approval from others" Beck told her we finally learned the ways of the bird scene. "What did you do for your locker Y/n" I motioned them to follow me and showed them what my locker looked like.

(Your locker not my picture but I do love it)

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(Your locker not my picture but I do love it)

"Baam" I said smiling at them. "Is that us" asked Robbie. "Yeah because you're all my inspiration, I love you guys" we all did a group hug and went to go eat. Beck wrapped his arms around my shoulder, I could feel Jade looking at us but I didn't care, I was happy.

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