The Creek

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"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Soda yells as he furiously shakes me back and forth.

"What?" I mumble as I open one eye and look at my excited boyfriend.

"You said we're gonna have fun today," he said like a little kid.

"I know and we are," I smile deviously. "Get on your swim trunks."

He smiled, "surfing? Beach?" I shake my head which caused him to furrow his eyebrows. "Lake?" I shake my head once more and he just continued to furrow his eyebrows.

"You'll see," I smile as I throw on my red bikini with white pokadots. I throw my hair in a high ponytail and we leave the house pretty quick. It didn't take long for the two of us to get ready because, it was just swim trunks and brushing hair.
"Just one more turn," I inform my whining boyfriend.

"Where?" He whines.

"Here," I smile one we get to a big oak tree. I grab Soda's hand and drag him to the left down the path I made with Remy. I look down the water falls into the crystal clear creek. "Jump in."

"What?" He asks looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Like this," I smile as I walk in, there's a smaller pond in front of the water fall. I walk over to the smaller water fall and slide down then repeat with the next two until I plummet into the big clear pond.

"I'm good up here," Soda calls from the first.

"Don't be a wimp," I laugh.

"Oh that's it," he smirks as he goes down the waterfalls screaming with each one. Once he gets down here he swims over to me pecking my lips, "that was awesome. How do we get back up?"

"Why?" I laugh.

"So, we can do it together," he smiles kissing my nose.

"Like this," I smile as I put my foot on a wet rock and boost myself up. I continue climbing up the rocks with Soda tailing me until we get to the top. "Ready?" He nods as he grabs my hand. We both sit down hugging each other as we slide down the water falls both making a splash in the big ones. "Wanna go down the rapids Pepsi?"

"Yes!" He yells.

"They're down here," I smile as I grab his hand and we swim down the creek. "Grab one of those log rafts, I made them with Remy."

"Who's Remy?"

"A girl, I met. She and I were both scheduled to teach on the same day and we just did it together, then became great friends. Now get the raft." He grabs it and we hop on it hurdling down the rapids twisting with every turn. At one point Soda even falls on his butt. I ca't help but giggle. 

We continue to ride the rapids over and over again not caring about anything. I smile even more with every twist. I laugh as we go down and Soda almost falls on his butt again. I burst out in laughter, "you gotta get balanced!"

"I know," he replies.

We hit a rock and I go flying into the air as the raft continues down the rapids I land in the water, in dangerous waters, "Soda! Help me! Sodapop!"

"Dylan!" He screams as he sees me. 

"Sodapop!" I yell as I hit a rock hurting my wrist. I yelp out in pain and with every turn or bump the pain grows. At the end of the rapids my wrist is in pain along with my ankle, ribs, and head. We reach an exit and I swim to it as Soda rafts out of the river. Soda swims over to me and puts me on the raft, "are you okay?"

I look over to him as I groan, "no."

"What hurts?" 

"My head, wrist, ankle, and ribs."

He kisses my cheek, "do you think you have a concussion?"

"No, it's just been a long day."

"Okay, we're just gonna get you to a hospital."

I nod. He carries me out of the creek and back to the car before we drive to the hospital.
"How you feeling Dylan?" The doctor asks.

I shrug, "banged up, but not too bad."

He smiles, "that's good. we're just gonna do a concussion test."

"Okay," I smile as he instructs me to do a bunch of test and I do as he says.

After all the test the cat scan comes back and he smiles sighing with relief, "no concussion, you just have a headache. You most likely hit your head, but not hard enough for a concussion. Now we're gonna take you in for x-rays to check your bones." I smile and nod as he leads me into a room. I get under a blanket and he takes the x-rays. I walk over to the guy when he says it's okay, "okay Ms.Jueggers nothing serious. You have a sprained ankle and wrist as for your ribs they're just bruised. You should be all ready to go by, July third."

I smile, "that's before my birthday."

"Well that's good," he smiles. "You're all clear to go. Where should we send the bill to?"

"Uh... 349 rivers drive," I inform him.

"Okay, bye Ms.Jueggers," he waves.

I walk over to Sodapop, "all good and I'll be fine in about three weeks."

"Before your birthday," he smiles.

"Yes!" I squeal happily. 

"I love you my Dyl-pickle," he smiles pecking my lips.

"I love you too my Pepsi-Cola," I smile back returning the gesture.

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