John being bullied

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"Ok then I'll play the next one which is too related to future" Al announced

The students agreed



The students snickered while Seraphina started glaring

"Arlo don't tell me your planning to do something to John' She glared

'She caught on huh.' he thought
"No not exactly" he replied dryly
'Now if she finds out it might be a hassle'


Only those with powers matter

Sera glared at the screen tightly clenching her fists seeing her friend getting beaten up 
'Zeke that fking rat'
'But he has to go through this everyday doesn't he..'

Remi-'Why  is he going through all that when he didn't even do anything to them'
Blyke felt pity for the powerless boy



Keep them close

"OI OI OI whats happening to Seraphina" Blyke shouted

'So this is around when it started huh' Arlo and Sera thought

"The cripple is near her , don't tell me he harmed her"Elaine pointed out

"what but she's Seraphina, nothing can harm her" a random dude said

"But didn't you see how she trusted him , he might have used that trust and some underhanded tactics for all we know"Some guy tried to analyze

"All of you ,shut it"Arlo demanded


Some people flinched on seeing John's dark and sharp eyes while the low tiers shuddered on seeing that look

The lower mid tiers were scared too because even thought they bullied him they had to gang up as John used to beat them in a 1 on 1 despite being a cripple.


Remi was angry and she made way to the trio beating John up demanding why do they keep doing it

"We were just showing him his place and we are not the only ones who do it so please dont blame us" the regeneration guy (their leader) answered while being visibly scared

Remi couldn't believe it and she started to realize how naive she was , thinking that she  had set an example . The things happening were much worse than what she had expected and She remembered her brother Rei who had managed to bring down the difference and decreased most of the violence atleast in the period he was the king. Yet that wasn't enough becuase after he left the bullying resumed and is now much worse 

She started talking with Blyke and Sera about ways to save the low tiers

Blyke agreed as he felt really bad for the lower tiers , how they had to suffer and how they were being neglected.

While Sera thought something was wrong with John and he was hiding something but she agreed nonetheless

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