John's breakdown And the Truth

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channel name- ThatComicDoe


Sera glared but didn't say anything

"We probably did it on Arlo's orders Seraphina, or else we don't waste our time on low-tiers and cripples, I swear" Ventus said trying to protect himself and Meili

Sera kept glaring but allowed the video to continue.

Remi had a disapproving face for a long time as all her friends were nothing like she expected almost all of them acted cruelly towards the weak.


"Psshh look at that, we were worrying for nothing, he clearly doesn't have any ability at all" Brea mocked

"Yeee otherwise he would've used it to defend himself or runaway" Wenqi said

'...idiots if he can tolerate the beatings for a year and more then one bullying incident clearly won't change it.' Arlo thought

Zeke had a big smug grin. (-_- he boutta get whooped)


"Even if Arlo told you, thats going tooo far , Ventus" Remi said somewhat disturbed

biting his tongue "I'm sorry.."


"aww seems like even doc has abandoned johnny boi"

"well it doesn't matter if he's the one who starts it or not,just him being there is enough of an excuse hahaa"

"dude Ikr, every morning seeing his bruised face means a good day for me"

People were boasting about beating the cripple and some low tiers were cheering for them as they were happy its not them whos being targeted and they found relief in that .
Some low tiers were even saying they'll join in John's beatings in order to please the mid tiers.

"wow.. they really against him. huh" Blyke muttered

"This school is really messed up and I never realized it.."

"Hey its not your fault so don't feel bad about it" Blyke said


Sera and Remi were furious seeing that he was even being financially damaged, before they said anything to the duo who caused it , Arlo intervend

"Stop, It's part of my plan so I'll take responsibility for it" he said grinning

"And how exactly will you do that" Seraphina said deadeyed 

"First, he will be placed in his place and this all is necessary for it, trust me ik what I'm doing"


'LEILAH?! Is doc dating Leilah...I've got so many questions and there's this John issue too and I lose my powers in between too..this is too messed up'

"Looks like its spring time for doc huh" Isen chuckled while thinking about his next article.
Blyke and Remi laughed at that statement.


"...He's a bit scary while being angry.." a low tier muttered.

"Oooh look at him acting tough, I would love to see despair on that face" Zeke said

With that the mid tiers regained their composure and continued their mocking but they did indeed crack their composure just from his glare.

'...john' sera thought sadly


"woah woah is he being serious"

"shouldn't he just learn and accept his place rather than trying to act cool bruh"

'..he has to face all this in this toxic school and when he struggles they mock even that..'

"Hey Blyke , what do you think of all this" Remi asked.

"Honestly, if he's really a cripple than I really respect him for not giving up unless the other pussies but if he really has some power I'm just confused" Blyke answered truthfully

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