Remi and Geng vs John

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sick edit right xd 

BTW ill do more edits instead of AMVs as edits of unordinary are fun and ig easier to react as well.
If yall want ya can send some edits too which i 'might' include ヾ(•ω•')o

Host-"Well.. Ig Ill start the next one?"

Cecile- "Atleast play your part properly."

Host- "I don't get paid enough for this"

Darren- "Someone I can relate too.." the doc said grumpily.


'He really is strong..'Arlo thought

The thought was shared by many.


The students cheered for their Blyke as he was hardly anyone's enemy which made Blyke fluster a bit.


Students were muttering and were hyped for Blyke vs John because if John was stronger then it means he would become the King after Arlo graduates they thought

After the edit

"Bruh are you both cousins or something, both of them look alike except hair colors, even the eyes are golden" A random student pointed out.

"Just a coincidence, I suppose" Cecile said

Blyke was just perplexed.


Host- Soooo I decided to add two guests

*He snaps his fingers and two people appear reavealing Claire and Adrion.

They were startled and confused but after few minutes of explaining they calmed down.

"Oh your the one who became my friend in future in that picture"Sera said looking at Claire.

Claire was unsure and felt uncomfortable about the situation

"Well my name is Seraphina ,nice to meet you"

"Im Claire" she responded back

"My name's Adrion" Adrion said

"Where are you guys from?"Arlo asked

"W-well we both are from New Bostin" Adrion said

"New Bostin!"Isen exclaimed

Blyke- "What about it?"

Isen- "You idiot that where John's from don't you the remember the interview episode"

Remi- "Oh yes I remember that, so I guess they have something to do with John,right??"

Claire and Adrion stiffened on hearing his name

"W-well we do remember him" Adrion said with a smile.

*(adding this part now after rewatchin my previous chapters-)*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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