Clues on John

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(i dont own any videos or photos shown in the fanfic[ofcourse])

[i noticed how only elite tiers and high tiers are the ones reacting so imma trynna change that thought i dont really remember many names so I'll put random if i can't remember]

Third person POV

Al-"nhruhuhuhhuhu (koro sensei laugh) I'll randomly sometimes show from future here and there from now to enjoy myself more " he laughed

Arlo raised his eyebrows "Be my guest"

"Huh..Cecile??"Many people were shocked seeing that duo

"Why are you with John , Cecile" Sera asked

"Hell , how do I know , unlike you I got no intentions of being his friend" She responded

elaine sighed in relief

"Do you see the look in John's eyes" Roland was scared "Hes giving such a condescending look"

'Now that I see it , its true ,wonder what happened to him' Sera thought concerned

"pfftt Johnny boi is trying to act strong it seems" Mardin started mocking and laughing

"Ikr , its totally hilarious seeing him try to act tough when hes just a weak cripple" Julien joined

Now now enough of that lets see different things

Starts playing Video


Seraphina's eyes narrowed

"What are you trying to do to John, Arlo" She asked

"He sticks out like a sore thumb as to why i'm sure I must have explained in it" he replied


"Why are you so obsessed with hierarchy , can't you just leave John Alone" Remi said

"Order is natural , and he is surely not where he truly belongs" He replied


"Aren't you going overboard" Isen tried to reason all the work he was being dumped 

"You don't get a choice , Isen" he glared

'scary' isen thought with teary eyes

The others too seem to notice something was off about John but they didn't wanted to admit it.


If it was before , people would've laughed seeing the death pool of the superheroes but now they either felt guilty or scared knowing what happened to Remi's brother and didn't open their mouth.

Isen and Blyke tried to silently console Remi


"OOF" some students exclaimed


"BROO John handed your ass to you" Krolik's friends mocked him

"Beaten by a stupid cripple, I can't believe this" he muttered to himself

Arlo thought how a cripple beat a mid tier with full confidence without hesitating.

Remi felt somewhat happy seeing John's consideration towards the superheroes and how he stood up for them

Sera was surprised to see John lose his cool (oh boi)


"wait a minute , who's that kid" A random mid tier asked 

'...John?..' Seraphina thought

"how was he sooo bloodied" Gavin said

"d-don't tell me that cripple did it" A nervous low tier  said

"pfftt it must have been a showdown of two cripples" Zeke laughed
On hearing it many more students laughed at that idea

But Arlo knew something was up


"pftt you see that Krolik , he's comparing you to that kid" A kid mocked.

"Mannn,the cripple is pitying you , your not manly at all" kirishima?!?



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