Cԋαρƚҽɾ 3

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"Sannie!" Wooyoung skipped over to San who was fastening his armor for a game of 'Capture the Flag'.

"Go away Wooyoung" San growled.

"You know my name!" Wooyoung felt so happy that he started doing his little happy dance.

"Just, stop bothering me," San said as he walked away from Wooyoung, only to be followed again. Gosh he's so annoying and cute, San thought as he heard Wooyoung humming a tune. San chuckled to himself and just let Wooyoung follow him.

"So what are your favorite songs and who are your favorite singers?" Wooyoung asked as he was sheathing his sword, getting ready for the game. He would always try to start little conversations with the other.

"None of your business Wooyoung" San said, coldly.

"There you go again... You remember my name don't you Sannie?" Wooyoung cooed. He always wanted to start with the small talk.

"You wanna know why I remember your name so much?" San asked, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Uh-huh" Wooyooug, innocent as ever, nodded.

"It's because I despise you and you are annoying... Just stay away from me Wooyoung... You're fucking bothering me" said San, walking away, leaving Wooyoung disheartened yet more encourage.

"I told you Wooyoung... He hates you... Just stay away..." Wooyoung heard his stepbrother tell him.

"I guess.. But what if I -" Wooyoung's words were interrupted by San, who was now walking towards them again.

"Don't you dare try to follow me again... You have no idea what I'm capable of" San growled.

"We know what you can do San..." Yeosang said, softly.

"No you don't, so you better not let him follow Yeosang" San's eyes seemed red with rage and Yeosang nodded as Wooyoung stepped forward.

"Well, scary boy, I have the right to do whatever I want and what I want, is to follow you around and try to be friends with you.... No matter what you say Choi San" Wooyoung had a surfacing hint of firmness in his voice.

"Whatever... I'm counting on you Yeosang, or else" the glow in San's eyes dimmed and he walked away, just before the conch horn blew, signaling that the game is about to start...


"That, was one good game right?" Yeosang said, panting.

"Yeah..." Wooyoung replied but he didn't look too interested.

"Young-ah? Is something wrong?" Yeosang asked, tilting his head.

"No, nothing's wrong" Wooyoung said.

"There should be something wrong, because the Wooyoung I know never stops a conversation too easily..." Yeosang smiled.

"I am having this kind of emotion, a kind which I usually don't feel" Wooyoung replied, reluctantly.

"What kind of?" Yeosang asked.

"I feel mad for some weird reason... I don't usually get this boiling sensation in me" Wooyoung tilted his head.

"And?" Yeosang waited.

"And that certain emotion is what we call... Jealousy..." Wooyoung said.

"Wait... what the fuck are you feeling jealous for?" asked Yeosang.

"I don't know... Seeing San talking with others and ignoring me maybe... I thought that he knew only my name, and that he found out because he was interested in me and not because he hated me.." said Wooyoung, removing his amour.

"Wooyoung... Stop overthinking... And it's not seeing San talking with others, it's others talking with San. He is really hard to ignore with features such as his..." Yeosang gestured to San who was surrounded by a mob of girls twirling their hair around their fingers and flirting with San.

"You see what I mean?" Yeosang grinned. Wooyoung looked over to San, to find out that San had left the girls and was walking towards his cabin.

"I'm gonna go talk to him" Wooyoung said and jogged over to San.

"How was today's game Sannie?" asked Wooyoung.

"Better" San said and opened the door to his cabin.

"You better find love you know, you need some pretty girl in your dull life... Maybe it'll help that cold attitude... But with such behavior, no one's gonna like you... Try liking someone" Wooyoung shrugged.

"It's non of your business Wooyoung. Stay out of my life" San went in to his cabin and slammed the door.

Why is he so nosy? And why would I date a girl- Oh, he might not know I'm gay San thought along with a loud yawn and fell asleep on his bed.


San awoke in the morning with a little groan. He was drooling so he was quick to get up and run to the bathroom to get it washed off.
He was wiping his face when he remembered that there was nothing to be embarrassed about since there was no on else in his cabin to laugh or joke at him. Come to think of it, he did get lonely once in a while.

Then, suddenly, he was reminded of Wooyoung, he hated him since all he did was follow San around and annoy him, but his inner self was happy about that, because he finally felt that someone knew of his presence and that someone always notices him... For some reason, he wanted Wooyoung to keep following him.

He wanted to run in to Wooyoung's arms and apologize for being such an ignorant brat. Wooyoung was such a cute little boy and San just wanted to hug him and ruffle his lavender hair. But still, whenever Wooyoung appears in front of him, all he wants to do is walk away.

He didn't want to hurt him, he wanted to keep his distance because he didn't even deserve to be friends with Wooyoung. He knew, that if Wooyoung steps out of line, his demons would come out. All of Camp Half Blood knew of this power of his, and they feared him. But Wooyoung, did not. What he always did was follow him around and even bring his friends along.

San feared of what he was capable of and he feared of what he might do to the people who really cared for him. But San never opens up to anyone, he's insecure, dangerous and afraid of what people might think of his sexuality.

But what if Wooyoung was nicer and not like the others who were in his school?

San gaze fell on his reflection on the mirror in his bathroom.

He admired his sharp features for a while, but then, he realized who he really was and looked away. He was a monster. He was a boy who possessed demons at will.
He forgot of Wooyoung and himself and walked out of his cabin for breakfast after getting dressed.

Hey guys! I'm back from a week of studying for my term tests... I hope you like this chapter! 🥺❤

 I hope you like this chapter!   🥺❤

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