Chapter 6

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NSFW!!: It's kinda painful if you're really into this stuff because it doesn't go "In-depth" but if you're uncomfortable with it being implied just skip the chapter :)

"Hey George," Dream said, walking into George's room, the brunette was reading some of his notes on a new potion he had just made.

"Oh, hey Dream, what's up?" George asked looking up from his papers.

"Just- wanted to check up," Dream said, then his phone buzzed, and he got annoyed, then turned it off and sat on the bed next to George.

"Who was that?"

"Just Sapnap being Sapnap," Dream half chuckled. He sat on the bed next to George and put his hand on George's lap.


The last time it was just Dream and George alone, was with Dream in the prison. George spent four hours with Dream. He was chained to the wall when George came. At the beginning of his time there. George showed up, and then Dream lost any recollection of what happened, but George knew exactly what he did. George walked in and ripped off Dream's shirt. He had a sly smile as he sat there, shirtless as George started to take off some of his clothes too, revealing a maid costume. He pulled up his socks and put on his kitty ears. He was prowling around Dream, who was smirking back at him. George walked up to Dream, who squatted down against the wall, and told George to sit on his lap. He spread his legs as George sat, and started running his fingers through Dream's hair.

"Your eyes have never sparkled with such beauty, George." Dream said flirtatiously

"Maybe that's just the lava reflection, but your hair is so soft..." George replied, running his fingers through Dream's hair, then leaning his head onto Dream's chest, listening to his heartbeat slowly.

"Your outfit is pretty sexy George, any special occasion?" Dream asked with a sly grin.

"Oh no reason, but we really should get these cuffs off of you..." George said, tampering with them, "Then we can have more fun." George whispered in Dream's ear. Dream smiled, then George pulled a small paper clip off of his ear, an "accessory" he had said to Sam. He picked the lock, and Dream rubbed his wrists.

"You know those were just for play right?" Dream said, chucking them into the lava wall. He turned back, unbuckling his belt from his pants.

"Dream you sly dog..." George said, grinning then laying down on the uncomfortable bed made for one person. He spread his legs, and when Dream was reluctant at first, he said,

"Dream, I'm waiting," With an evil grin, then dream got on top of him.

After around two hours of them "just memeing around" they heard Sapnap's voice some from the speakers.

"HEY, YOU MOTHER FUCKERS HOW WAS IT?" Dream and George froze, then looked at each other and started to laugh, then heard Sapnap laughing and then getting busted by Sam. George got dressed, still very woozy, and was helped by an even drunker-looking Dream, who had only pulled his orange jumpsuit halfway up. When George stumbled through the lava, almost falling in, Sam asked what they even DID for two hours, even though he and Sapnap had watched the entire thing on the cameras.

"I- it was- an experience..." George finally mustered out. Sam walked him through the rest of the security, disappointed in them and himself for letting them in

"George, Sapnap is going to walk you home so stick with him," Sam said, kind of concerned for him.

After they got onto the prime path to George's house, Sapnap started asking questions.

"GOGY! Tell meeeee! What happened! Give me all the details! Those cheap fuzzy cameras and Sam censoring half of it because I'm 20 and he still doesn't know that I know more than he does didn't give me enough!" Sapnap said.

"He was Dreamy..." George trailed off. Distracted by something.

"C'mon Gogy keep going. Saying "He was Dreamy" is to cliche and BORING."

"He's definitely got a big d-" He started but was cut off by Ranboo, who was sitting in the bushes, talking to himself in enderman.

"Hey, Ranboo, whatcha doing?" Sapnap asked as Ranboo stood up fast, startled that anyone had seen him.

"Oh- oh nothing- um... hey why does George look like he's blackout drunk?" Ranboo quickly changed the subject.

"Ah- ha ha-" Sapnap started fake laughing, trying to think of what to tell Ranboo, "He uhm- he and Dream were- uh" Sapnap just stared at Ranboo, in the eyes.

"Oh- OH they- in his prison cell?" Sapnap nodded. "Oho- um well..." He was at a loss for words. Probably one of the most awkward encounters of his life.

"What were you doing in this bush?" Sapnap asked, quickly changing the subject again.

"Oh um, just practicing speaking enderman..." Ranboo blushed, turning a bit red and looking down at his feet, playing with his fingers, "Well ok then, I should uh- probably get George home," Sapnap said, breaking the silence and grabbing by the arm then George and walking away with him.

"Ehahah-" George chuckled, "You were sooooo awkward with him hehe..." George said, leaning into Sapnap a bit more. Sapnap finished getting George home and walked home, now he was sad. Sad and mad that it was obvious that Dream was in love with George, and he had no one. He walked home fast, wiping away any tears trying to surface. Vowing to never get in the way of anyone after his last girlfriend cheated on him. And then there was Dream and Fundy's wedding, and then George crashing the wedding, he just had to let go of any hopes of love in his life. He just had to.

[~~End of Flashback~~]

"Dream, you know we can't have another two-hour episode," George said after Dream put a hand on his leg. He scootched himself away and continued looking over his notes.

"I know, I just-" He sighed. "I don't know- never mind I was in here." He got up and left the room. George knew he wanted to as well, but he also knew that they couldn't. Not here and not now.

Like I said, not my best but I'm too lazy to edit it and I needed a filler chapter so this is my half-ass lazy-ass way of doing that :)

(Also I might upload again tomorrow just because this is short and probably one of the worst chapters I wrote for this book :P

(1121 words)

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[Updated 2/25/22]

This chapter never fails to make me cringe but it's fine I guess I'll leave it for plot points
There were literally so many things in this chapter I just didn't continue oml  ._.

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