Chapter 8

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TW!!: Fainting [Skip the last sentence in the part where they hear something in the closet]

Ranboo shuddered awake. It was the middle of the night, and he was cold. He looked down to see his blanket had fallen on the floor, and his bandage was replaced with a smaller, less bloody one. He sat up to reach for his blanket, and when he did, he heard something outside. He slowly walked to the door and opened it. As he did, he saw something run around the house. He froze. Ranboo walked slowly, with a torch he had grabbed from the porch wall in one hand, and the other was holding the blanket around him, crept slowly to the side of the house. He held his breath at the corner as he braced himself for what it could be. "What is it? Dream? Just an animal?" Ranboo thought. His heart was pounding in his chest. He found an old stone ax leaning against the house, and picked it up, tying the blanket around his neck. "Whatever was there was going to have to..." What was he thinking? It was just a rusty ax. If it was a person he was dead. But if it was just a mob he'd be ok. Finally, he mustered up the courage and spun the corner.

"AHHHHH!" He yelled fiercely as he held up the ax, his blanket falling in the cold snow. He looked down to see a little black kitten with bright yellow eyes cower against a bucket. Ranboo instantly dropped the ax down and laughed a bit to himself. The cat was scared and trying to run. He turned to another bucket next to him and pulled out a bit of fish.

"Aww, I'm sorry little guy," Ranboo said holding out some fish in his hand for the scared kitten. It slowly crept towards Ranboo. Its tiny paws made no noise in the snow. It took a nibble, ran away, then came back for more. After about two more runs of this, the cat was purring comfortably in Ranboo's lap.

"I'm going to name you enderchest." He said, standing up with the cat in one arm and the blanket in his other. He walked back to the door and it was open.

"Huh, must've forgotten to close it," Ranboo said, half-joking about his bad memory, but he was sure he had closed it so he shut it tight, locked it, then put a chair against the door for good measure. He lay back down on the couch and Enderchest curled up next to his stomach.


Ranboo woke up the next morning to the smell of fresh bacon, eggs, and toast. The only time they ever get bacon is when Techno isn't around. Ranboo sat up, and Enderchest crawled onto his lap and slept peacefully as Ranboo grabbed the book on the floor next to him.

"Good morning Ranboo, how'd ya sleep?" Philza asked, putting some eggs and bacon on a plate for him and Ranboo

"Pretty good, I guess. I mean, I didn't have any bad dreams." Ranboo said, half chuckling. His wound hurt a lot less and looked like it had improved over the night.

"Who's that little friend you got there?" Philza asked, handing Ranboo his plate and then sitting in his normal chair, right next to the fireplace.

"Oh, that's Enderchest. I found him outside when I thought I heard something but it was just him." Ranboo smiled, as he started eating his eggs.

"He's cute." Philza smiled, putting a piece of bacon in his mouth. The tiny cat jumped off of Ranboo's lap and silently padded over to cautiously sniff Philza. He suddenly stiffened.

"Aw Phil, it's just a cat..." Ranboo said looking up, Philza had turned white as a ghost, his eyes wide, staring at Ranboo.

"Ph- Philza, you're scaring me- what is it?" Ranboo asked, his hands shaking a bit. He leaned over and picked up Enderchest, who calmed him as he stroked the small cat's fur.

"Ranboo..." Philza began, "The cat doesn't make any noise... I think someone was here..." Philza instantly got up. He started searching the house in a panic for anything. Ranboo sat there, breathing heavily. Enderchest rubbed his small head against Ranboo's leg which calmed him enough to steady his breathing. He was still panicking as Philza scoured the house when he heard a noise from the small closet under the stairs right behind the couch. They both froze and whipped around to stare at the closet. Ranboo's heart was beating so fast he thought it was going to explode. He almost passed out. He was light-headed and beads of sweat formed on his forehead and neck. Two figures instantly jumped out, holding swords out, dressed in all black. Ranboo fainted from the fright and Philza put on his netherite armor and pulled out his ax and shield, his hands trembling a bit.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Philza screamed at them. Ghostbur and Tuboo ran downstairs and saw what was going on, then put their armor on, and stood by Philza.

"Prove you're not under Dream's potion." The taller one said, holding his sword up higher, not afraid of their lack of weapons.

"Prove that to US first." Ghostbur retorted. The two looked at each other and nodded.

"You might want to help Ranboo, the shorter one said, taking off his mask.

"PUNZ!?" Tubbo screamed in anger.

"PUNZ!" Ghostbur yelled and flung himself onto Punz in a huge embrace. Punz laughed and hugged him back. Philza and Tubbo just stood there in confusion, as the other one picked up Ranboo and put him back on the couch, with Enderchest sitting on his stomach.

"What the fuck-" Philza said to them, "Punz you were locked in the inescapable prison..." Philza stared at him in confusion. "And who is that?" Philza asked, pointing to the taller one.

He walked over and took off his mask to reveal Awesamdude.

"SAM?" Tubbo screamed, "WHAT THE HELL- HOW DID YOU GET HERE!?"

"That's kind of a long story..." Sam said, scratching the back of his neck, a little nervous. Phil motioned for them to gather around the table, Ranboo back in a conscious state.

"Sorry for the fright, we had to take extreme measures," Punz said as Ghostbur and Sam went to sit at the kitchen table with the rest of them.

Sam explained the situation and everything that Punz had told him in the prison.

"So then how did you escape? And then get here?" Ranboo asked after they were done.

"I am the one that built the prison..." Sam began, "But Bad and Ant were in there with us. Skeppy too, though Bad and Skeppy were still passed out I think. I had to leave them because they were acting weird, and I saw Ant's eyes flash red. Something is going on, and I'll bet we didn't see the last of the egg. Escaping the prison was easy though. Punz and I had no trouble because we were in the main holding cells, but as we were about to escape we heard someone in the hall and saw Sapnap turn to the cells in a different block than ours, but we had gotten out so we hoped that he didn't see us. I think he left with something but I don't know... could be bad though so we thought we'd check here." Sam finished.

"Dream kept his promise to get revenge on Tommy," Punz said, glancing around. "Has Dream killed him yet? That's what he said he would do in the prison." Philza turned white as a sheet again.

"He isn't going to kill Tommy." Sam said, "Not my boy. Not on my watch." Sam said grimly, hitting the table with his fists. Philza was taken aback by the way Sam referred to Tommy as "My boy" but he didn't show it. He just agreed.

"Where is your stuff?" Ghostbur asked, realizing Punz and him were wearing a mix of gold, iron, and chain armor.

"The guard's room, but only guards can get there. We don't have our keys." Sam said bitterly. "At least, that's where we think they'll be. We don't know for sure because we can't."

"Then let's get your stuff back," Ranboo said, sharing a sly grin with Philza, Tubbo, and Wilbur.

"Um- what's going on?" Punz asked.

"We're going to get your stuff back, then go on a little adventure," Philza replied, standing from his chair and walking towards the door, a wide grin on his face.

I need to make a set schedule for uploading but I re-read the chapter for trigger warnings and I got myself hyped for the story :> Also back to the uploading part I think imma upload Sundays Wednesdays and Fridays and I have a new one-shots idea and I'll probably upload once a week for those :D

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[Updated 2/25/22]

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