Chapter 11

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Twelve guys in full netherite armor came through the trees, laughing and talking with each other. One of them looked up and stopped, staring at Sapnap and Karl. The rest of them stopped too, all drawing their swords from their sheaths, in a line. Not one of them looked like they were supposed to be with the others, yet there they were.

"Sapnap and Karl? You have no business here. Get out of our village." Philza said sternly, slowly advancing towards them.

"Ph- Phil, we- ah I know you won't believe us, but Dream kicked us out... we didn't mean to come to your village- we'll just uh- be going now." Karl stuttered, turning to walk back the way they came when Sparklez stopped him.

"Phil, these guys seem pretty sincere, I mean, look at them." Philza looked at them up and down and realized that Sapnap's chain had been broken and was now hanging off his pants and Karl had holes in his sweatshirt now. No wounds though, but there were little scratches freckling their faces.

"I know they do but we gotta be careful who we trust," Philza said, walking closer to them, his guard slightly lowered, but his sword was still raised across his chest.

"Wasn't Karl put in prison though?" Tubbo asked, looking at Karl's hair which was once again covered with dirt.

"I don't know... I think we can trust them... one second." Ghostbur said as he flew over. He looked at Sapnap, then he flew into him. The arsonist jerked, then started doing weird dances, before Ghostbur came out of him. He gave the ghost a dirty look, then he did the same to Karl, but the brunette just stood there instead of doing the strange dances with his body like Sapnap.

"They're ok." Ghostbur said at once, "I went into their minds. I can get full control of them! Never knew that before!" He continued, cheerfully, offering some blue to each of them which Karl gladly took but Sapnap was less than pleased to be offered any at all.

"Yeah and if you do it to me again, I'll take your ghost cannon lives as well." Sapnap retorted angrily.

"So what now?" Stampy asked. They all looked to Phil who replied,

"We get them to help us." He looked to Karl and Sapnap, "We're going to get revenge on Dream and get Tommy and Techno back. It's four against fourteen now. We could triple-team each one." Philza said, extending a hand to them. "What do you say?" Karl looked over at Sapnap, who grinned, and nodded, putting his armor on and pulling out his sword.

"We're in." Karl shook Philza's hand and they all cheered, then went to go plan in Philza's cabin.


"We need lots of potions." Dan said, "And we can get dogs too."

"Oh, I like Dogs! That's a good idea." Tubbo replied, writing it down onto the side of the map.

"We can bring Steve. He'll be able to stop Techno." Ghostbur said. "Tommy was able to fight it for a second in Ranboo's dream right? If that was really what happened in real life then he could fight it off again if something jogs his memory, and I really don't like their red eyes I can probably bring some blue to help too." He smiled at everyone

"Good thinking, Ghostbur! Is there anything that Tommy really likes or cherishes?" Sparklez asked.

"Well, Tommy's favorite thing in the world is... TUBBO!" Ranboo said. "What relates to Tubbo and Tommy though"

"Bees, right? We had a good conversation about pets and those were your favorite right, Tubbo?" Stampy asked.

"Yeah, but, it doesn't also go with Tommy I don't think," Tubbo replied, discouraged.

"Huh... does Tommy have like, an item or something that has to do with Tubbo?" Thnxcya asked.

"I really don't know much about Tommy so I couldn't tell you." Think replied.

"I GOT IT! TOMMY HAS A COMPASS THAT POINTS TO ME!" Tubbo yelled as he ran out of the cabin.

"What did he yell?" The green ninja asked.

"Tommy's got a special compass that points to Tubbo no matter where he is." Sam replied, "It's pretty cool." Tubbo ran back inside with the compass in his hands.

"TA-DA!" He yelled as he presented the compass to everyone. It had a blue-ish purple glow to it and was pointing in the direction of Dream's base. At least they hoped it was Dream's base.

"Perfect... now all we need is some horses and a lead!" Punz said. He wanted to make a grand entrance, like the one at the end of the disk war with Dream.

"I don't think I've ever done something this exciting or important in a long time," Dan said, looking around the table at everyone. "Whatever happens... I'm glad I got to fight on the right side." He smiled and looked at everyone once more. "Now let's go take our home back."

Everyone cheered as they headed for the stables to grab some saddles and find thier horses.


Tommy woke up in his new cell bed. "Can't wait for another day of no control where I sit and watch the world crumble." He thought, but then when he sat up, it felt on purpose. Tommy looked down and started moving his fingers on command. He stood up, walked, said fuck a few times too.

"I- I'm in control again! YES!" Tommy yelled. A bit too loud. All of a sudden George walked in with another red potion.

"Sorry Tommy, can't have the effects wearing off early." He laughed.

"Wh- wait please George I-" Tommy was cut off.

"It's not my decision Tommy. It's Dream's." He said as he threw the potion and watched the effects consume Tommy again. He passed out on the floor, his eyes changing back to dark red. George left, and after a while, Tommy woke up again.

"C'mon fingers move!" No such luck. He was, once again, trapped in his own body.

Sorry, this was kind of a short chapter - idk if I'll be able to post on Friday, and if I do it'll be late-ish (Compared to when I normally post) I'm getting braces :P 

BTW! Four people added this to their reading list so that's really pog! Ty! Welcome to my group of about 10 consistent viewers! :D 


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[Updated 2/25/22]

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