Pilot Adventure chapter 3 [Its not affect it]

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Creator/me : i got this picture from wallhere [search A400M wallpaper]


After dropping bomb at the A400M [Archipelago factory production] they use the new A400M for skydiver they jump from para door and...... nothing happen, they think

again in VTOL hover mode, they think what will happen if they jump with cargo door, they decide to go back to Factory Airport and buy new A400M, in flight Emma asking

Fesber why do he back to the Factory Airport, he answererd he gonna buy the A400M. after buying copilot control, the plane back to Terminus airport, then the pilot and Emma go

to Terminus airport with the new A400M, that night is 19:00AM. usually they go home at 22:00, that day [Saturday] they back faster than before, they both [Fesber and Charles]

decide to use the new A400M [Archipelago Factory production] for skydiver, but they use the cargo door. tomorrow they open the cargo door and yeah.. bad news.

So the doors on the plane don't affect it. And yeah they destroy it again, when go back to Terminus Airport there is a fog, when they fly above sea, suddenly there was a

fog horn sound, they three were very shock, the captain accidentally turned off engines 4 and 2, no one see it, when captain climbing to 2000ft they stall,The captain just

realized that the engine 4 and 2 did not start, and immediately turned it on, when engine starting, they go down, go down and when in 130 ft they climbed up. mid air

they see a plane from Archipelago Factory airport that plane cant see from radar [cannot be detected by radar] they were suspicious they turn off the signal light

and turn on eye mode and reflecting signal they follow the A400M plane and the crew [A400M crew] realized it they shoot VTOL, but the VTOL glass is bulletproof

VTOL can refuel mid air, when going refuel mid air something get out from top. For prank they activate it, the crew immediately get in and close the door, Capt say

"now for the real gun" the captain is shooting, and command the A400M for say what the cargo. They not answer the captain is go faster and see the cockpit, no people

now they shoot the A400M engine and boom, crash, they dont care cuz the plane drived by a ghost. They continue they flight the time is 23:00 they sleepy, Fesber

command to Charles to control the plane, in 00:00 Fesber control again, they back in apartement, and they sleep. Sunday they three decide to not go to work [cuz its sunday]

they play ONU in Fesber room. That day is queit [in their Apartement] and yeah again they hear screaming girl sound, they belive the apartement is haunted,

they quickly check out and leave the apartement, in mid air Emma say theres an apartement near the Shore airport very near, so they can park the VTOL in shore.

when they get in its look good, that wasnt apartement that hotel. Fesber immediately put on a face like this -_- its 10$ [dollar] luckily Fesber is a pilot,

so the pay is great, and yeah Fesber can pay it, when Charles in balcony suddenly theres a jet engine and fall plane in far, that plane is [Boeing and A400M]

that must be mid air collision he say, Charles call Fesber and Emma to see it, Fesber immediately call NTSB they coming and investigate [the passenger and pilot is

safe] ok they dont go to the NTSB they have other work, but when NTSB investigate the A400M no dead body of pilot/copilot. This be dangerous, tomorrow they watch news

if the Archipelago Factory is not making A400M anymore, they think may the aircraft that abandoned drive by the spirit and make mid air collision, they bomb the A400M

so nothing will happen. Tomorrow when they going to American in mid air they see A400M but its detected by radar and they contact Fesber, the captain name is

Capt.Vincent Perennial, he have 18000 flying hours and his Co-Pilot Kevin Andromada has 12000 flying hours, and theres another A400M its Tanker plane the Captain name

is Capt.Frank Levin he have 56100 flying hours and his Co-Pilot Johnson Frank have 4600 flying hours. Frank ever fly a stratolaunch and Vincent ever fly Airbus Beluga...

                                                             THE END OF CHAPTER 3, WAIT FOR CHAPTER 4.

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