Chapter 29 {Private flight}

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Not just flying a Commercial plane exactly Boeing or Airbus plane or McDonnel Douglas plane we fly a private jet too, for business people, and yah lets fly, so from start airport to destination airport is far, cross the sea, Charles bring his camera, this time is sunset so hes take the photo, this is a good day, actually this flight take around 15 hour, yeah they choose me cause, if you remember any plane i drive is almost crash, in bad condition i still can land safely, they think im a best pilot, 5 hour pass 10 more hour, its now night, and again incident left engine blow and failure we fly with one engine, its impossible to ditching or return to airport, i just turn it off, and fly with one engine, and yeah its hard, the if we not control the rudder, the plane will automatically turn left that why i so focus, if not it will be go around, 5 hour pass it 5 more hour, after 5 minute left engine detached from the fuselage, this is a very bad news so i report it to nearest airport for doing emergency landing

Me/Fesber : mayday mayday this is Capt.Fesber from Private Flight 5674, our left engine detached from fuselage, we gonna do emergency landing at the airport.

ATC : Copy this is ATC chief Viola, be sure to land on Runway 45R from your location its just take 15 minutes.

Me/Fesber : copy that

in here when i was control the plane to landing the right engine blown up and detached from fuselage again, i dont know why this happen, may cause the engine is too hot, this plane age is 15 year, the engine is old, i report to ATC again

Fesber/Me : mayday mayday our right engine detached from fuselage and we now gliding.

ATC : that was very bad i hope you land safely, i will clear the runway for landing and ambulance.

when i approaching the Runway of course i deploy the Landing Gear, gear is deployed, the ATC say the nose gear not deployed, i retract and deploy the gear and still not deployed, so i must land like Air Canada Flight 143 aka Gimli Glider, this flight kinda same like my flight im gliding too and land without nose gear, so i close to the Runway then land when touch down its B U T T E R but when nose touchdown is very hard, but we land safely, after many time almost crash i can land safely. 


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