Pilot Adventure Chapter 20 {Teach how to drive Cessna}

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Character : Fesber

This time im not fly in Revolca Air, im teach Henry in Aviation school how to drive Cessna, Henry is now student pilot aka 1 bar silver rank, well we start from the Airfield, lol he look nervous, that was funny, drive a plane is not that easy for beginner aka student pilot, well for a beginner aka student pilot is hard to drive a Cessna RCS {Cessna Real Cockpit SImulator} very good, this time i let him taxi, take off, and landing himself, ok we are now in runway, "60 knots, airspeed alive, engine instrument on the green, Airborne, leaving Jester Airfield" hey, Henry control the plane not bad, stable, flying with a small plane is different, by flying using a big plane, now we gonna land the plane, well land is not hard for Senior Pilot Lol no jk landing is easy, but i think Henry gonna do a Ryanair Landing, not a B U T T E R landing, well be ready "this is Capt.Fesber talking Cessna 172 request for landing in Runway 02, now be ready for Ryanair Landing, oh Henry is like ever drive a plane before he even know how to do B U T T E R landing and stop early before the Runway end. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hello Thanks for read bye 

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