Chapter 13 - The End

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The incident with your ex-boss was a week ago now. And you haven't heard from her since that day either. You've been using the time with Spinel and your other friends to play volleyball, eat donuts, have a movie night... But unfortunately, it's coming to an end and you have to go back to your dad and find a new part-time job. Spinel also has to go back to the Diamonds. Sadly, you pack up your things. You don't want to leave yet. When will you see them again? You've never had so many friends. And never so much fun. Someone knocks on your door. Surprised, you get up and open the door. Spinel is standing there, grinning at you as she holds out a bouquet of flowers. You automatically grin along with her. "Thank you, Spinel. They look beautiful." You take the bouquet and let Spinel in. "Remember when we used to bake together and you wanted to show me something?" asks Spinel, and you nod in response. You remember that very well. "You could never show me, though..." She continues, looking at the floor. "Since I can't get it out of my head because I'm too curious... Now can you show me what you meant before we have to leave?" You notice yourself blushing a little and look into the sad face of the pink gem. She's so cute when she looks at you, with those sparkling magenta eyes. You move closer to her. "Okay, but don't scare yourself." You warn her. At that moment, you're sure you love her and that she means something to you. Despite some doubts about whether she loves you too, you don't care. You want to kiss her anyway. No matter what her reaction is. After all, you want to show her how you feel about her once before you have to leave. Tensely, she looks at you as you lean closer to her and the tips of your noses touch. Slowly, you close your eyes and press your lips to hers. A moment later, you notice that Spinel returns the kiss. The moment is yours. Nothing is important. Just the two of you. "I love you, Spinel." You take her hands in yours. She grins, "I love you too, Y/N!" She pulls you into a hug. "I don't want to go. I don't want you to go. Why can't we stay together, Y/N? Why?" You notice her voice shaking. Spinel was on the verge of crying. Of course, you're sad too, and suddenly you're fighting with the tears. You take a deep breath in and out and look deeply into her eyes again. "Spinel, we will meet again one day. And then we'll never have to say goodbye again. I promise you that." A slight smile flits across her lips, wiping away the few tears. "Okay. I can't wait."  


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