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6th Year, December 17th

The Hogwarts express pulled out of the station at 9:00 am sharp Sunday morning.

Neither Draco or Hermione were up and at the tracks to see their friends off for the break.

In Separate rooms they both laid wide awake on their beds, completely flattened out on their backs and facing the ceiling, counting the grooves in the bricks.

In separate rooms they contemplated the actions of last night. However in very different contexts and varying levels of fear.

Draco was not sure how the night ended, but seeing as how he was alone in his bed and still fully clothed, even still in his now rumpled looking black suit, he had to at least be thankful he had not gotten carried away and completely ruined her life by his actions.

Hermione was breathing steadily, herself having changed into an oversized jumper, foregoing pants altogether in favour of an extra bed quilt for warmth. Hermione knew exactly how the night had ended. After being crushed against a wall, and attacked with a pair of lips for what she could only assume was several minutes of snogging, Draco slowly disentabled his arms from around her with a pained expression on his face.

For several seconds they stood panting, staring at each other in shock, before Hermione cowered and side-walked the few steps into her bedroom. She half expected him to come running through her un-warded door, sluing excuse, curses, apologies, anything that would be characteristic of a Draco Malfoy outburst.

But there was nothing. Just a few minutes of silence before she heard his footsteps retreating into his own bedroom, and the door shutting behind him.

Now Hermione lay awake in her four poster Gryffindor colors bed, waiting, praying that he would open his door first and slip off to the Great hall for breakfast. 

Unfortunately, Draco had the sample plan a few stone walls away .

By 9:30 neither of them had made a move for their respective doors. If the lack of creaking the floorboards forced anything to go off, then neither had even stepped a foot out of bed yet. 

Not that staying in bed was an option. Despite having a kitchen, they had no food besides a few Honeydukes treats, tea ingredients, and leftover pastries from Friday night's feast.

Thankfully for both Draco and Hermione, neither of them had to make the first move that morning because at 9:35 Aurie came rusling into their common room, the concept of making as much noise as possible while doing so.

"Wakey wakey!" She screamed running between their doors, banging on them.

"What the fuck do you want Aurie?" Both girls heard Draco chime from the other side of his door.

"Oh well hello Mr Grumpy!" Aurie teased. Draco pantsed at the mention of his characteristic nickname that Pansy and Theo now insisted on addressing him as.

"Where the hell did you hear that nickname?"

"I spend a lot of time in peoples head's dear brother, especially when they look like they are gonna blow shit up. Pansy Parkinson just about blew up her cauldron and potions a few weeks ago looking at you. What the hell did you do to her?"

At that point Hermione heard Draco's door creak open, and his footsteps grow closer, indicating he left his room.

"I told her I wasn't interested. Were you expecting another reaction from the pug-face aristocrat?"

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