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Louis's Pov

"Just go talk to her!" Tyler said. He was my best friend, but sometimes he was a little too confident. 

"Ty, you don't understand. I can't just 'talk to her'!" I said. Just the thought of talking to her made me nervous.

"What's going on?" Will asked. 

"Louis likes y/n and he won't go and simply talk to her," Tyler explained, making Will roll his eyes. "Seriously dude?" 

"What?! How about you go and talk to her." I said, "It's not as easy as it sounds is it?" 

By then Will had already started to walk toward y/n. I was surprised that he actually was going over there to talk to her. I'm guessing he said something funny because she started laughing. God, I loved her smile. 

Before I knew it Tyler had pulled me over towards her. "Hey Louis!" she said, and smiled at me.

"H-hi, Y/n, how are you?" I mentally slapped myself for stuttering. 

"I'm great! I was just talking to Will. He's such a sweetheart." She looked over at him and smiled. All of a sudden my blood started to boil, and I walked away, still processing what she had just said. 

He's such a sweetheart, Ugh, why did that bother me that much. She couldn't have meant it as more than friends, could she? No, no way. I mean, it's Will, he wouldn't do that to me. I thought all of this out as I walked away and back towards the school. I kept on walking until I reached the library. 

"Ah, Mr. Partridge. How are you doing today?" the librarian asked me, smiling slightly. 

"I'm fine, thank you," I said, giving her a fake smile in return. "I'm just gonna go take a seat at one of the tables and think for a little bit." 

The librarian nodded and then went back to stocking books. 

I saw Will walk past the library doors, probably not thinking to look in here. He's such a sweetheart. That sentence just kept on playing in my head. "You know what, if she wants him instead of me, fine. Have him, I don't care." I mumbled under my breath so that the librarian couldn't hear. 

Just then Tyler walked into the library. 

"Have you seen Louis at all? I need to talk to him." Ty asked the librarian. She nodded and pointed towards the tables in the room. Tyler saw me and started walking towards my table. 

"What do you want Ty?" I looked up at him, an annoyed expression on my face. 

"Why did you run off when you were talking to y/n? She thought you got mad at her, and she's blaming herself. Is it something she said?" Tyler took a seat next to me. "Is it?"

"She called him a sweetheart." I said in a low voice. 

"Louis, she was just saying that to be nice. Don't take everything so seriously." Tyler exclaimed. 

"I know. I don't know why I got so mad. I mean, she can like him, that's fine. I don't care." I got up to leave and started walking towards the door. I wasn't looking where I was going when I entered the hallway and bumped into someone. I looked up, and it was y/n. Great, I thought. 

"Louis, finally, we were looking all over for you. Why did you run from us?" y/n looked up at me, being that I was so much taller than her. 

"You called Will a sweetheart, and I took it to heart," I looked her in the eyes. "I'm sorry." 

"Wait, you like me?" y/n widened her eyes. 

"What, no, i-" y/n cut me off. "Then why else would you run away from us? I don't like Will silly." 

"But you-" y/n cut me off again, except this time, she attached her lips to mine. I was so shocked by this that he didn't kiss back until a few seconds later. Y/n brought her hands up to my face, while mine went to her waist. She pulled away first, needing air. 

"Don't get jealous over one word Lou, me and Will are just friends, you don't have to worry about it," she looked up and smiled at me. "Besides, I already have the best boyfriend in the world standing right in front of me." She pecked my lips one more time and then grabbed my hand. 

"So I'm guessing it went well?" Tyler exclaimed. 

"Yup," I smiled and looked over at y/n, who smiled up at me, blushing. "Couldn't have gone better."

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