Math Class (imagine)

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Y/n's Pov

Ugh, I have math next

I thought, remembering that we have a quiz (that I totally didn't study for) today. Math has always been my least favorite subject, partly because I just wasn't good at it. All the numbers and different variables just confused me. It'll be like 'x+y-k+2 equals the sum of 4+5, what is the value of k?' Like how the hell am I supposed to know?! 

I stopped at my locker to grab my pencil and my textbook, just incase I get there early and have time to study, although I know I won't have time. 

I shut my locker and then immediately bumped into someone, causing me to drop all my books I already had in my hand, and falling to the floor. 

Man, isn't that embarrassing I thought. 

As I rubbed my head, I looked up, and saw maybe the most gorgeous thing in the world. The boy had soft brown hair, brown eyes, and was really tall. He looked about 2 years older than me, and was wearing a black and white striped shirt with blue jeans. He bent down next to me and started to help pick up my books. 

"Sorry about that, it's my first day." He said, and I was shocked to hear that he had an english accent. 

"It's fine, I'm just really clumsy. I should've looked to where I was going." I said, feeling embarrassed. 

"Well, here are your books," he said putting my books in a pile next to me, and then reached his hand down to help me up. "We'd better get to class, or we'll be late." he helped me up and then picked up my books and handed them to me. My, my, what a gentlemen, I thought, not realizing until now that I was staring at him. 

I didn't say anything else other than a small mutter of 'thanks' to him, not wanting to say anything risky. I started walking passed him when he asked me, "Hey, do you know where room c301 is? It's supposed to be math." 

Oh god, he's in my math class. 

"Yeah, that's my math class. It's this way," I pointed to the way that I was walking and started towards the classroom. I heard the boy running behind my, trying to catch up. 

Just as we arrived at the door, the bell rang, which meant that we luckily weren't late. He walked in kind of slowly, probably due to it being his first day. 

I immediately saw a group of girls turn around and stare, looking in awe at the boy standing beside me. I looked up at him and I saw the nervousness on his face. He just looked around at the classroom, until the teacher told all of us to sit down in our seats. Louis looked really confused for a moment, so I pushed him up towards the teacher and then sat down. 

"Ah, Mr. Partridge! So nice to meet you!" my teacher exclaimed. "Class, I would like you all to meet Louis Partridge. He will be taking our math class from now on!" 

Louis waved shyly to the class, and then turned to the teacher. 

"Where should I sit sir?" He asked nicely. 

"Anywhere you would like Louis. And you don't have to call me sir. I'm Mr. Will." he said as he ushered Louis to sit. Louis ended up taking the seat right next to me, which then got me a rude look from the group of girls sitting in the front. 

"As you all know, we will be taking a quiz today," a bunch of students groaned in annoyance. "So everyone please take out your pencils and I will be passing out our tests."

Mr. Will grabbed the stack of papers off his desk and started passing them out. Me and Louis were the last ones to get them, since we were seated in the back row. 

"Just try your best Mr. Partridge, I don't expect too much from new students." Mr. Will said, handing Louis his paper. Louis looked over to me and gave me an enthusiastic thumbs up. I tried to hold in my giggle, and gave him the thumbs up gave. 

I was still on the first page of my test when Louis closes his packet and raises his hand. Mr. Will looks up and then walks over to Louis's desk. He checks over his packet right there, and then marks it with an '100' on the top corner. His smile was so sweet. 

I was still working on my packet when I feel a set of eyes set on me. I look over to see Louis staring at me, a small smile on his face. He had his head in his hands, more relaxed than tired. I waved at him awkwardly and he just chuckled and waved back. I resumed working on my test when I heard the bell ring. 

Wow, that 45 minutes went by fast. 

I realized that I didn't finish my test, which isn't good. I walked up to Mr. Will's desk, and handed my packet to him slowly. He took it and looked up at me, with a look of disappointment and shock. 

"Wow, y/n, what happened? You didn't finish your test, and most of these answers aren't correct?" he said, seeming more disappointed than mad about it. 

"I'm really sorry, i've been having a rough day so far, I promise I will try harder." I exclaimed, wanting to cry. He looked up at me and patted my shoulder, giving me a small smile. 

I walked back to my desk and saw Louis still standing there. I knew I couldn't cry in front of him, but I really needed to so bad, so I just sat down in my desk and let the tears stream down my face like rain running down the side of a building. 

"Y/n, what's wrong?!" Louis looked alarmed by my sudden outburst of tears. 

"I've just had a really bad day, I wasn't able to get any of my answers correct on that quiz, and I didn't even finish it!" You almost yelled the last part, but then realized you were in a classroom still. 

"I can tutor you if you want! I'm good at math, it's my favorite subject!" Louis replied with a smile, looking down at me. 

I got up out of my seat and hugged him. Realizing how awkward this situation was, I let go of him and nodded my head. 

"That would be great Louis! I'd love that!" I said, and started to pack up my things. 

Before I could pick them all up, Louis grabs them and puts them in a pile on top of his own supplies. He lifts those up and places them in one hand. With his other hand, he grabbed my hand and started to walk out the door. 

Just as I had suspected, that group of girls all took one look at me and Louis, and stormed off without a word. 

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in so long! I've been caught up in my dance classes, since my first dance competition of the season is this Saturday! But other than that, I hope you liked this chapter!! 

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