♤ Twenty ♤

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After class, I almost sprint to the office and ask the nice lady again, if any new letters have arrived for me.

"Yes, yesterday we received this one and it seems like, you should have it. Your name is Y/N L/N, right?"

I nod hastily and stare at the envelope in her hand. As soon as it lands on the counter top, I grab it and thank the lady.

Wanting to rip it open right now, I resist and just run through halls and into my room, falling onto my bed.

The wax seal is the same as last time and I tear it apart to pull out the letter.

I immediately recognize the same font of the typewriter.

Dear Y/N,

Your letter has my body filled with joy. I am glad to hear from you and that your exams seem to be successfull.

My work over here is quite the usual. Letters about love, about business, arranged marriages or invitations to special occasions.
When I have nothing much to do, I help a boy to deliver letters in the neighborhood.
Lately, I haven't been traveling much. Only two times, which was, because royal members personally requested my presence at their residence.

The second time was an old woman, who couldn't leave her house and had trouble walking.
She wanted me to write letters for her family members, who are supposedly still alive.

I remember an idea of mine I had a few hours ago, after I received your answer. Why don't you come and visit me? If you are so interested in my work, I can show you around.
Of course, after you are done with school, since your graduation isn't far away now.

This is all I have to say, but your answer will be awaited gladly.

~ Violet Evergarden

My heartrate is so high, I have to stop reading for some seconds, to calm myself and focus on the words.

When I reach the part, where she states her idea and asks me, to come visit her, I feel like dancing.

I fall to the side and land on my pillow. I never thought, I would do this in my life.
But I scream into my pillow. The adrenaline has to be expressed in some way and for me, this seemed a perfect and fast way to do so.

After letting out my emotions, I read the letter again and again, as if not believing that this is reality.

I quickly walk over to my desk, search for paper, pencil and a new envelope.
Everything is set up and I start writing the letter.

Dear Violet,

I am very happy about your invitation and accept it with pleasure.
Five more days have past, so there are still 12 days left until I can leave the academy.
But how do I get to your Workplace?

I hope  your past days were great. Well, I had a great week of exams as you know, so there is nothing more to say about that.
Actually, do you have any connection with Amy?
This is a very spontaneous question, but I just noticed, she doesn't bother me anymore lately.

Anyways, I wish you a wonderful day, Violet!

~ Y/N

Satisfied with the results, I again sent the finished letter inside the envelope and prepare for another few days of waiting, studying, daydreaming and on and on.


When i have nothing to do, I sit near the fountain, in the garden and think about God knows what.
Mostly, my thoughts spin around the topic, Violet and her recent letter or what her next will be.

The sun just set and their golden shine hits the water. It creates a rainbow across the water of the fountain.

I smile, while watching the nature creating beautiful pictures just like that.


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